The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"What?! Yu Yu had a fight with someone? She didn't say a word to me." Grandma Zhao's eyes widened in shock.

"Grandma, don't worry. According to eyewitnesses, those people had a fight among themselves. I guess Xiao Yu had nothing to do with it. They must have deliberately framed Xiao Yu." Zhao Ming comforted Grandma Tang.

"Ah... Are they the bad students who always bully Yu Yu and You You?" Grandma Tang was a little panicked.

Those people are not easy to mess with.

Those people's parents are not easy to mess with either!

They are unreasonable and want to grab three points!

Last time, they surrounded Yu Yu and wanted to beat her!

"Yes, it's them. Grandma Tang, don't worry, I'm here, no one will bully Xiao Yu." Zhao Ming said solemnly as if swearing.

"Oh, Mingzi, then you wait outside for a while. I'll go call Xiao Yu." Grandma Tang said.

Just after Grandma Tang finished speaking, Tang Yu's voice came from behind: "Looking for me?"

Grandma Tang looked at her granddaughter and wanted to ask a few questions, but Zhao Ming and his colleagues were beside her, so she could only bear it...

Zhao Ming repeated what he had just said.

"Do you need to go to the police station?" Tang Yu asked.

"No. I just need to ask you a few questions here. Unless there is definite evidence, we will not summon you to the police station." Zhao Ming said.

"Okay, come in." Tang Yu stepped aside.


"Tell me what happened." Zhao Ming took out the recording device, and his colleague took out a small notebook to record.

"I went to look for Youyou at that time. I heard that he was blocked in the toilet and bullied, so I went over. I wanted to fight with them, but they somehow started fighting on their own. That's what happened. Oh, by the way, I also recorded the video." Tang Yu said as he took out his mobile phone and clicked on the video to show Zhao Ming.

In the video, Wang Yang and others attacked each other fiercely, like wild beasts who had lost their minds.

"Okay, send me the video." Zhao Ming said.


After sending Zhao Ming away, Tang Yu entered Tang Tianyou's room.

Feng Yan was in the acupuncture treatment, and his legs were covered with needles as thin as hair.

"Do you need my help?" Feng Yan asked.

He heard the conversation outside.

"No, there is no evidence to prove that I have beaten anyone." Tang Yu looked calm.

Feng Yan wanted to ask, did you beat anyone or not?

However, he didn't ask in the end.

He was afraid that Tang Yu would think he had crossed the line.

However, Feng Yan thought about it and picked up his phone and quietly sent a text message to someone to check what was going on...

Although Tang Yu said that he didn't need it, he would help if he could.

Besides, Tang Yu still had to treat him and Grandpa Xiao, so he couldn't be dragged into trouble.


Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Grandma Tang went to open the door...

There were two men in jackets outside, one in his forties and the other in his early twenties.

"Old man, we are police officers from Lian City. We have a case to talk to Tang Yu about. Does she live here?" The middle-aged man said as he took out his ID to show Grandma Tang.

The young man next to him did the same thing.

"Lian... Why did the police from Lian City come to find Yu'er?" Grandma Tang stuttered.

"It's like this..."

Just as the middle-aged policeman was about to speak, he heard a young girl's voice from the yard: "Talk to me if you have anything to say."

Tang Yu came out of Tang Tianyou's room and walked quickly to the gate. She first looked at Grandma Tang: "Grandma, I need some medicinal herbs here. Can you help me buy some?"

Tang Yu guessed that these policemen were the ones investigating the car accident. She didn't want to tell her grandmother that she was locked in a burning car by the Jiang family.

She talked lightly about the things in the Jiang family. If her grandmother could hide something that would definitely hurt her, she would hide it...

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