The relationship was definitely not good! There were several fierce conflicts. The most recent one was when a director picked me to play the leading role in his play. Jiang Huiyan was also competing for the role. Ms. Luo felt that I had taken Jiang Huiyan's role and was very angry with me. She asked me to give up the role many times! I didn't agree! So, she was very dissatisfied with me." Tang Yu said.

"When did this happen?" the middle-aged policeman said.

"Just one month before the car accident." Tang Yu said.

"Do you suspect that she wanted to kill you because of this?" the middle-aged policeman asked.

"It's possible. Every time Jiang Huiyan and I have a conflict, she will say that since I returned to the Jiang family, I have made a mess of the Jiang family!" Tang Yu said.

Under the questioning of the middle-aged policeman, Tang Yu talked about some things that happened when she was at the Jiang family.

"Okay, we have written down everything you said, and we will do further investigation." The middle-aged policeman said while turning off the recording device, "But this case is likely to be left unresolved, because apart from the action of closing the car door, there is no other substantial evidence to prove that she deliberately wanted to kill you."

"It doesn't matter." Tang Yu smiled faintly.

The reason why Tang Yu said so much was not to let the police bring Luo Meilan to justice, but to hope that one day her relationship with the Jiang family would be made public, and when she and the Jiang family officially broke up, there would be a place to prove that her behavior was not unreasonable, nor was it treasonous, but there was a reason for it!

"In addition, regarding the child swapping incident involving Mei Zhenzhen, last year, she and her companion were arrested for drug use and drug trafficking, and her companion confessed. At that time, the case handlers notified your biological parents, and they said they would not pursue the matter. Of course, in this case, even if the parties do not pursue the matter, the state judicial authorities will pursue it. But if the victim does not pursue the matter, there will be no civil compensation. As a victim, if you want to pursue the matter again, you can do so." said the middle-aged policeman.

"..." Tang Yu was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "I know, thank you. I will think about it carefully."


When Tang Yu sent the two policemen away and entered Tang Tianyou's room, Feng Yan looked at him with a complicated look...

Tang Yu knew that he had heard everything...

Tang Yu was not afraid of these things being known by others, she was just afraid that her grandmother would know.

The Jiang family, especially Jiang Huiyan, should be the ones who were afraid of others knowing.

Tang Yu looked calm as she pulled out the needle for Feng Yan.

At the same time, Grandma Tang next door was very upset...

I heard nothing!

After she entered Xu Fengxian's house, she didn't dare to say that she was eavesdropping, but stood aimlessly in the yard and chatted with Xu Fengxian...

In order to get closer to her home, Grandma Tang approached her own wall, pointed at the flowers under the wall and praised: "Your flowers are blooming so beautifully!"

Then, he stood under the wall, talking about flowers absent-mindedly, while concentrating on listening to the movements on the other side of the wall...

Finally, Xu Fengxian found that something was wrong with Grandma Tang...

"Aunt Tang, why are you so worried? Is there something wrong at home?" Xu Fengxian asked.

Grandma Tang was slightly stunned, and then said: "Mingzi just came and said that someone falsely accused Yu Yu of beating someone."

"Since Mingzi said it was a false accusation, don't worry." Xu Fengxian patted Grandma Tang's arm.

"Yes, yes, yes." Grandma Tang smiled and nodded, still looking worried.

What she was really worried about was not this matter, but what the police in Lian City wanted to do with her granddaughter?

Judging from the fact that her granddaughter wanted to send her away, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Does our company have any cooperation with Jiang's?" After Tang Yu left, Feng Yan asked the driver who helped him up.

In fact, the driver was also one of his special assistants.

"Should be, I'll check it later." The driver said.

"Well, as soon as possible." Feng Yan nodded.

"Yes." The driver nodded and left.

In fact, when Tang Yu was talking to the two policemen outside just now, the driver was guarding beside Feng Yan, so he also heard those conversations.

To be honest, he was very surprised.

In this world, there are people who don't love their own children, but love other people's children!

He can probably guess what his boss is going to do!

Although the boss looks cold, indifferent, cold-blooded, heartless, heartless, and boring, he is actually very protective. Anyone who is included in his protection range, the boss will never allow him to suffer any grievances!

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