The old man was very angry.

"Dad, we are not a scourge. We are just going to talk to her and learn more about the situation." Xiao Zhenhua, who had been silent, frowned and said.

"Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? If you go, won't you put pressure on the little girl and let her do what you say?! Oh, by the way, I asked you to apologize to the little girl in person yesterday. If you want to go, just apologize to the little girl honestly and don't say anything else!" The old man said with a fierce face.

"Let the eldest brother apologize?! Why let the eldest brother apologize?" Xiao Zhenhua's five brothers, sisters and brothers were all surprised.

"Isn't it because he is showing off his power to the girl?!" The old man said unhappily, "Zhenhua, I told you a long time ago about your temper. Change it! Don't treat everyone as your subordinate! You just won't change! If you were not my son, with your temper, could you have been so smooth all these years? Now I am old and you are about to retire. I don't care about it! But you are showing off your power to my savior, so I have to care about it!"

"Dad, everyone has their own temper, and it can't be changed! What are you talking about? Didn't our brothers and sisters inherit our bad tempers from you?!" Xiao Jianhua, the second son of Mr. Xiao, joked with a smile.

He wanted to ease the atmosphere, let his old father calm down, and help his eldest brother out.

"Humph! Blame me again?!" Mr. Xiao snorted coldly.

"How about this, Dad, call that little girl and ask her to come here and we can talk." Xiao Weihua, the third son of Mr. Xiao, suggested.

Hearing this, the old man glared and said dissatisfiedly: "Who do you think Xiao Tang is? You want to come at your beck and call? Is this your attitude towards your father's savior? The little girl saved me twice, shouldn't you go to visit with gifts?!"

"Dad, you are so difficult to serve! We said we would go to find the little girl, but you said we couldn't! We said we would ask the little girl to come, but you said we could call the little girl at our beck and call! Then what do you think we should do?!" Xiao Fengying looked embarrassed and dissatisfied.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you go. If you go to thank them, or if your eldest brother goes to apologize to them, I'd be happy to do so! But if you go to show off your power and put pressure on them, I certainly won't allow you to go!" Old Man Xiao said coldly.

"Then we must also learn more about your condition when we go, right?" Xiao Fenglan asked.

"Didn't the girl tell you? My condition is very good and I can be discharged from the hospital! What else do you want to know?! Don't you just want to put pressure on the girl to change her mind and let me be hospitalized again?!" Old Master Xiao snorted coldly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's do this, Dad. I'll buy some gifts and go to thank and apologize to this young doctor. What do you think?" Xiao Zhenhua pretended to be willing to take a step back.

"We'll go and thank him too." The other five brothers and sisters quickly agreed.

"Are you really just going to apologize and thank you?" Old Master Xiao narrowed his eyes with suspicion.

"Of course!" The six brothers and sisters nodded immediately.

"Okay, the girl is expected to be home around seven o'clock. There is still some time. Go prepare the gifts." Old Master Xiao nodded.

Of course, he didn't believe his six children...

As the saying goes, no one knows his children better than his father. He knew very well what his children were thinking!

However, he had other plans...

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