The two of you were so busy that you had to go to my seat.

"First of all, why don't you eat or drink in your own seats, but come to my seat? Why, there are nails on your seats?

Secondly, you said you accidentally stained my seat, how could you be so careless that a pile of garbage could be piled up on my seat?!

Third, since it was stained, why didn't you clean it up?!

Fourth, when you saw me, why didn't you explain or apologize?" Tang Yu said coldly.

"We...we forgot about chatting!" Girl B argued loudly.

"Yes!" The other four people echoed in unison.

Tang Yu sneered, "Bullying is bullying, don't make so many excuses! Dare to do it but not take responsibility, people look down on you!"

The principal is not a fool, he also saw that five people bullied Tang Yu, and in the end they were beaten by Tang Yu, and they came here to complain first.

"Okay, let's talk about you four first. Why did you eat in other people's seats after class? You didn't even clean up the garbage you made. Is this your quality?! You will be punished to clean the toilet for a week!" The principal scolded them with a fierce face.

"..." Wu Quanchao and the other five hung their heads and dared not speak.

"And you, Tang Yu!" The principal turned to Tang Yu, "If you feel bullied, you can find a teacher! How can you fight? This is a school, a place to study, not a place to fight!" The principal said with a serious face.

"..." Tang Yu pursed her lips and said nothing.

To be honest, her previous experience told her that it was useless to complain to the teacher when she encountered school bullying.

In Lindi Town, she and her brother were repeatedly bullied by bad students. They told the teacher, but the teacher would only give them a mild scolding, or even give them fifty lashes, just like the principal did.

There is no deterrent effect on those who bully others!

On the contrary, after being scolded by the teacher, they will bully the students who complain even more.

Not to mention reporting to the teacher, even calling the police is useless!

Because those scumbags are minors, they can be exempted from punishment if they hurt or even kill people.

In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and fought with those people with a kitchen knife, and things got better.

Later, she followed the Jiang family to Lian City, and her brother must have been bullied even more.

When she thought of this, Tang Yu's fists hardened - she suddenly felt that the "gift" she gave to those people last time was not heavy enough.

"Okay, all of you go back to class. This is just one time, and it won't happen again. If you fight again, you will be punished!" The principal waved his hand.

"No, principal, it's over?" Wu Xiaozhen was a little surprised.

"Teacher Wu, what do you want?" The principal looked at Wu Xiaozhen.

Wu Xiaozhen wanted to say that she wanted to expel Tang Yu, but it was difficult to say it.

"I think Tang Yu and these five classmates are completely different! These five classmates soiled her books, so they just had to compensate her! But Tang Yu hit people, the nature is very bad!" Wu Xiaozhen said.

"Teacher Wu, have you heard that the first to tease is the cheapest? If they didn't bully me, would I do it? Would I cause these troubles? Teacher Wu is so generous, just let these five students throw some garbage on you, and then give you some dry cleaning fees, okay?" Tang Yu retorted coldly.

What kind of teacher is this?

Even a shrew is more decent than her!

Tang Yu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

She didn't even want to address her as "you"!

Wu Xiaozhen: "..."

Principal: "..."

Wu Quanchao and the other five: "..."

After staring at Tang Yu in disbelief for a few seconds, Wu Xiaozhen came back to her senses...

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