The director was not so kind.

"I knew the director was not so kind." Mai Dan muttered as he followed the cameraman to another direction, and finally waved goodbye to Tang Yu.

"Goodbye, Xiao Tang." Wen Wen also waved to Tang Yu with a smile before leaving.

Tang Yu also waved to the four people separately.


Next, Tang Yu and Xu Shaoyang began to concentrate on finding medicinal materials.

Tang Yu was like a radar, and he could lock the location of the medicinal materials with just one glance.

Moreover, there was no need to take out the picture album for comparison.

Others, including Xu Shaoyang, looked at the picture album while frowning and comparing carefully.

"Teacher Tang, don't you need to look at the album?" Seeing that Tang Yu's bamboo basket had already been covered with a layer of bottom, and there was not a single herb in his bamboo basket, Xu Shaoyang was very curious.

"I have memorized it." Tang Yu answered while squatting down to dig out the herbs.

"Ah?" Xu Shaoyang had the same expression as the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Including the director in front of the screen, he was also dumbfounded.

There are more than a hundred kinds of herbs in the album, how did she remember them?

[Is Tang Yu's memory so strong? ]

[If it were me, showing me those herbs that look similar, I would be lucky if I could remember ten. ]

[Is it possible that Tang Yu only remembered ten and then dug those ten. ]

[No, no, no, from just now to now, she should have dug more than ten kinds. ]

"That is a weed." Tang Yu reminded Xu Shaoyang who finally found the first "herb".

"Ah? I think it looks very similar to a herb in the album." Xu Shaoyang said as he took out the album to compare.

"You should be talking about the Bupleurum on page 68. There are several of them in front of you on the left." Tang Yu said as he pointed in the direction.

"Ah? Really?" Xu Shaoyang took a step forward and went to the place where Tang Yu pointed, and at the same time turned the book to page 68, and then compared it carefully.

Then he compared it with the herb in his hand.

Sure enough, he dug the wrong one.

Shame on you.

Xu Shaoyang muttered to himself as he dug out the herb.

"Teacher Tang, do you remember it so clearly? You even know which page it is on." Xu Shaoyang chatted with Tang Yu while digging the herb.

[Tang Yu's memory shocked me! It's okay to remember the appearance of those herbs, but she also remembers which page it is on. ]

[Genius! ]

[Set up a character! She is so smart, but she still needs to bring a junior high school math book to record the show? 】

[Good memory doesn't have much to do with whether you can learn math, physics and chemistry well, right? 】

[There are many girls who lag behind in math, physics and chemistry. There's no need to be a conspiracy theory about everything. 】

"Teacher Tang, have you memorized all the herbs and their page numbers?" Xu Shaoyang was very curious.

"Almost." Tang Yu answered naturally, her hands moving non-stop.

According to her current consciousness, remembering those things is nothing.

"Then let me test you." Xu Shaoyang finally found a medicinal herb, then picked it up and asked, "Teacher Tang, which page is this on?"

Tang Yu glanced at it, "Page 28."

Xu Shaoyang hurriedly flipped through the album, then widened his eyes in surprise, "It's actually page 28!"

Next, Xu Shaoyang was like a child whose curiosity was aroused, and kept asking...

"Which page is this?"

"Page 109."

"What about this?"

"Page 36. Be careful and dig out all the roots. The medicinal value of this main herb is mainly in the roots."


"This is indeed a medicinal herb, but it is not in the album. Please dig it out for me, thank you."

"What do you want this for?" Xu Shaoyang asked curiously while digging.

The director watching in front of the screen and the netizens in the live broadcast room were also very curious...

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