The police said that the call was successful.

"Director, I got through. 120 said they will be here soon. However, because the mountain road is quite long, they suggested that we drive Teacher Jiang down the mountain and meet up halfway to save time!" the staff reported.

"Okay, okay!" the director nodded repeatedly.

Under the director's command, Jiang Yuchen was carried into the car by the staff, and the director hurriedly followed, and the car drove away!

[Oh my god! Is he really poisoned? ]

[So those mushrooms Jiang Huiyan picked are really poisonous? ]

[What's poisonous? Maybe some of them are poisonous! If Tang Yu had checked carefully and taken away all the poisonous ones, this would not have happened! ]

[Is it Tang Yu's turn or does he owe you? How can you be sure that Tang Yu made a random decision? Tang Yu knows about medicinal materials. Isn't it normal for him to judge what is poisonous and not poisonous faster? But your sister Huiyan, if you don't understand, don't pick it casually, okay? You hurt yourself and blame others! ]

[I think you should blame the program team. When making such a program, you have to protect the safety of the guests! What if something really happens? ]

[The program team has a doctor, but the program team can't follow you like a nanny. You are an adult, so make your own judgment, okay? If you can't be sure, don't eat it! ]

[That's right! Shouldn't you do your homework before participating in such a program? ]

[The program team seems to have invited experts in this field. I just heard the director asked the expert, and the expert said it was not poisonous. ]

[It's not poisonous, so why did Jiang Yuchen get poisoned? ]

[I'm the only one curious, why is Jiang Huiyan okay? ]

[I noticed that Jiang Huiyan didn't eat mushrooms, wild vegetables or fruits just now, and just kept drinking fish soup. ]

[Is Jiang Huiyan afraid of poison and dare not eat? ]

[What are you talking about? What a heart, everything is dirty! The ancients said, don't judge a gentleman by your own mean heart! Sister Huiyan may not have had time to eat other things. ]

[Haha, she has been eating for almost half an hour, and her chopsticks haven't moved at all. Who would believe that she has no evil intentions? ]

Jiang Huiyan also has a lot of black fans, but her true fans are usually too strong, and black fans usually don't show up.

Now that she has caught the opportunity, she will naturally blacken them as much as possible.

There was a big quarrel online, and the staff of the program group hurriedly said a few words, and the program came to an abrupt end.

The live broadcast ended, and the guests packed up and prepared to leave.

Because they had worked so hard to find the ingredients and cook the dishes, the guests were reluctant to throw them away. They packed up the remaining ingredients and edible dishes and took them away to eat after returning to the villa.

"Xiao Tang, are all the mushrooms that Huiyan and I picked really inedible?" Wen Wen walked towards Tang Yu and asked softly as everyone walked into the villa.

"There are some that can be eaten, I picked them out." Tang Yu said frankly.

"Then the rest can't be eaten?" Wen Wen was a little unconvinced.

"Teacher Wen, I'm helping you out for your sake. Since I'm helping you out for your sake, I won't fool you. If Jiang Huiyan asked me to look, I wouldn't pay any attention to her at all." Tang Yu still looked frank.

"Oh..." Wen Wen nodded, and then she looked at Tang Yu with a smile, "Xiao Tang, don't be offended, I just can't believe that we picked so many, but almost none of them are edible."

"There are not many edible mushrooms in the wild." Tang Yu said.

"Is it possible that you only know a few edible ones and classify the others as inedible?" Yan Kun asked curiously.

He was just curious, not questioning or doubting.

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