"The"temporary soul" theory is indeed a subject worthy of in-depth study.

As Xianye said, it is very challenging and extremely difficult.

Even though Kiryu Hikifune had done research for a long time before this, the theory is just a theory , it is extremely difficult to turn it into practice.

However, it cannot be said that Hikifune ~ Kiryu has gained nothing. If she has gained something, she still has some.

By observing the growth of plants in Soul Society, she gave birth to Some ideas.

Plants in the Soul Society are also composed of spirit seeds. The essence of their growth is to absorb nutrients from other things made of spirit seeds, such as water sources, to grow themselves. Is it possible to inject spirit seeds into them? , to speed up its growth?

Hikifune Kiryu first tried to inject his own spiritual power into naturally growing trees, but the result was that the plants died.

Later, he discovered that naturally growing plants could not carry her spiritual power. Power, so what if it was a seed she created with her own spiritual power? The study of plants is much simpler than the study of souls and other things.

In the end, Hikifune Kiryu succeeded.

She created the seeds through her own spiritual power. After that, the seed could absorb her spiritual power instantly and become stronger.

This is because the source of the seed is from the same source as her spiritual power.

It was the success of this experiment that convinced her that, My own theory of"temporary soul" can be successful.

I can use my spiritual power to quickly grow a seed into a towering tree.

If the soul itself is also regarded as a seed, and if suitable nutrients can be cultivated, then it will definitely be possible. The soul at the moment realizes another leap and then evolves.

For the Death, the strength of the soul determines the strength of the spiritual pressure.

Because spiritual power is born from the soul sleep, which is the core of the Soul of the Death. , the more powerful the soul, the more powerful its Soul Sleep.

Xian Ye kept flipping through Hikifune Kiryu's research materials.

Hikifune Kiryu didn't hide anything, and told Xian what she had gained through research over the years. Night.

While Xianye was digesting and absorbing this information, he was secretly thinking about how to help Hikifune Kiryuu.

If you want to make a breakthrough in the theory of"temporary soul", this is not something that can be done overnight.

So ever , for a long period of time that followed, Xian Ye had nothing to do, so he came to the Seireitei Research Institute of the 12th Division. The research institute was full of scientific researchers who were obsessed with technological research.

Ordinary Shinigami had nothing to do with Xian Ye. They are very interested in the relationship with Hikifune Kiryu, but they are not.

They have no interest in these gossips, and they don’t know who Xianye is, but during this period of time, Xianye was at the Seireitei Research Institute. The many theoretical assumptions put forward in the book and the outstanding abilities displayed really impressed them deeply, which made their eyes full of respect when they looked at Xian Ye. On the other hand,

Xian Ye often came in and out The affairs of the Seireitei Research Institute naturally attracted the attention of other Shinigami.

Captain Yamamoto knew about this matter.

The Seireitei Research Institute is extremely special among the Gotei 13, although it is not a combat division. , but its role is irreplaceable.

If a person who is not an active Shinigami often goes here, of course it will arouse the vigilance of some Shinigami, and then issue an alarm and report the matter to the first team.

Captain Yamamoto initially wanted to warn Xianye not to run there if nothing happened.

But in the end, thinking of Xianye's former identity and the relationship between Hikifune Kiryu and him, he gave up the warning and said something to the person who issued the warning.

"Don't pay attention, Captain Yizhou has his own sense of proportion!"


Proportionate? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What is propriety?

The so-called propriety is that Hikifune Kiryuu handed over all the research materials in the Seireitei Research Institute over the years to Xianye, allowing Xianye to read them at will.

Zi Xianye resigned as captain of the 12th Division and was promoted to the 0th Division.

In the hundreds of years since Hikifune Kirio became the captain of the 12th Division, the Seireitei Research Institute has not stagnated, but has researched many novel things. Even today, Xianye, some of them are still the same. Very helpful to him.

Among these research materials, Xian Ye also saw a rather special one.[]

0 flowers requested

"An experiment about eternal life!"

The experiment of eternal life is also called the immortal soul.

Logically speaking, the Seireitei Research Institute will not study this kind of thing.

But I can't stand it. This is an experiment specially requested by the Central Room 46.

The original intention of the experiment , Xian Ye can probably guess that it's just that some of the old guys don't want to die.

The soul will also age, but the aging speed is slower than that of ordinary people.

The more powerful the spiritual power, the slower the aging.

The nobles in the forty-sixth room in the center naturally possess spiritual power, but they are not the God of Death. Instead, as nobles and a powerful class, they are above the God of Death. Because they are not the God of Death, they age faster than the God of Death. Be quick.

When you get really old, because you don't want to give up the power in your hands, you naturally want to seek immortality.

Under the strong request of the Central Room 46, the Seireitei Research Institute conducted this experiment.

Hikifune Kiryu also participated. Among them.

In the end, the experiment failed, and an explosion occurred at the Seireitei Research Institute.

This caused the experiment to be sealed. The main person in charge of the experiment was angered for this reason and was then exiled.

Although about this experiment All the data was destroyed.

However, this incident is still recorded in the research data of the 12th Division.

Perhaps for Hikifune Kiryu, this is just a past event.

But Xianye, from this incident In the past, I thought of a plot from the original animation

"Bawent chapter!"

Keeping this matter in mind, Xianye continued to read the research materials of the 12th Division over the years.

Hikifune Kiryuu's unreservedness made Xianye a little emotional.

Xianye is not a member of the Gotei 13th Division now. The Shinigami, even though he had been promoted to that division, was still under the surveillance of Ruoyouruowu after returning to the Seireitei.

There is no doubt that some people cannot trust him.

In this case, Hikifune Kiryuu will All the extremely valuable research materials of the Second Division were given to him to read, which meant that she had unreserved trust in Xianye...

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