After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1048: Don't hurt my child! (14)

Chapter 1048 Don’t hurt my child! (14)

The assistant pushed Qiao Lian's wheelchair and walked directly out of the room.

  Although the crew is not far from the hotel, in fact, it is still quite far away.

 In the underground parking lot, there are cars specially prepared for them by the crew.

 The two people went directly to the underground parking lot.

The underground parking lot is dark, and the surrounding environment is eerie.

 Qiao Lian stared there, and for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly arose in her heart!

 She always felt that there seemed to be something that she had overlooked.

 She suddenly spoke and looked at the assistant, "Where is my mobile phone?"

 Why was she so anxious that she didn't think of calling Shen Liangchuan first?

Even if he is filming and can't answer the call for a while, there is still Songcheng!

She believed that as long as she said there was an emergency, Shen Liangchuan would rush back immediately.


The assistant was stunned for a moment, then slapped her head suddenly, "Sister Qiao, cell phone, I left my cell phone in the room!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, and she saw the assistant suddenly turned around and ran towards the elevator, "I'll get it for you right now. You wait here for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man turned around and ran away.

The fear in Qiao Lian's heart grew bigger and bigger, making her feel like her whole body was on ice.

 She swallowed, unable to move because she was in a wheelchair.

 She looked around steadily.

 The dim light made her feel cold at the moment.

 She took a deep breath, then turned her head and looked around.

 At this time, all the staff were on the set, so there was no one in the hotel parking lot.

But as soon as this thought came out, a bright light suddenly flashed through a car in front!

The car lights were turned on, facing her directly.

Qiao Lian's eyes suddenly widened and she looked over in disbelief. She saw the car driving towards her suddenly!

 Qiao Lian's eyes widened, and she put both hands on the wheelchair, trying to walk to the edge to prevent being hit by the car.

 However, after all, she is not a person who uses a wheelchair all year round. She only uses it temporarily and is not used to the direction of the wheelchair.

 At such an urgent moment, he was completely disobedient.

 Her heart was in her throat as she saw the car heading straight for her!

 Qiao Lian suddenly stretched out her hand, subconsciously covering her eyes, and covered her belly with her other hand.

I thought to myself, this time, it’s really over! -

 In the crew.

Shen Liangchuan is working with a stuntman on the last martial arts scene of the promotional video.

 While he was distracted, the substitute hit him on the forearm with a sword.

  The stand-in suddenly panicked, and the director was also extremely surprised.

 That mistake just now was obviously because Shen Liangchuan was distracted. Actor Shen has not made such a low-level mistake in hundreds of years.

What's going on here?

  The stand-in kept apologizing, and the director kept saying nice things.

Shen Liangchuan frowned, looked at the substitute who was breaking out in a cold sweat, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter, it's my fault."

He moved his sore forearm, took a deep breath, and walked to the side. Song Cheng hurriedly greeted him, and the medical staff from the crew also rushed over to treat his wound.

Shen Liangchuan kept looking there, "What is Xiao Qiao doing?"

Song Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then spoke after a while: "Miss Qiao should still be in the hotel."

As soon as he said these words, Shen Liangchuan's cell phone suddenly beeped, and a text message alert came in.

 He lowered his head and saw the message from Qiao Lian.

 (End of this chapter)

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