After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 105: Why are you so nice to me? (5)

 Chapter 105 Why are you so nice to me? (5)

With one sentence, both Song Cheng and Qiao Lian froze.

The captain looked at several people in confusion. When the two young police officers were about to step forward, Qiao Lian had already hugged Shen Liangchuan and screamed: "Chuan! I can't survive! I'm about to give birth! Ah!" Ah!"

The sharp scream made everyone look over, and Shen Liangchuan stepped forward in time: "Quick, the car is coming quickly!"

The captain and the two young police officers did not dare to stop them anymore, and just watched them rush outside, get into the nanny car driven by the assistant, and drive away.

She was in a hurry to get into the car, so Shen Liangchuan hugged her and sat down. The driver drove out quickly, and Qiao Lian remained in his arms.

Her eyes widened, and she wanted to say that she could let her go, but when she looked up, she saw Shen Liangchuan's expression, as if he was in a daze, and when he spoke, he immediately dared not speak.

 Shen Liangchuan was indeed in a daze.

In desperation, Qiao Lian's name suddenly reminded him of many years ago...

 Eight years have passed, but the girl's voice seems to have not changed much. It is crisp and pleasant.

They met in the game and teamed up to fight bosses. Later, they turned on voice in the game and often chatted and played the game at the same time.

He likes the way she fussed and fussed the most, just like the cunning little look she had when she threatened Song Cheng.

Sometimes he deliberately teases her, and when he gets pushy, she shouts his name: "Chuan! Why are you so mean!"


 His game name is Zichuan.

 Her game name is Xiao Qiao.

And just now, did the Chuan she called out in desperation recall their past?

 Thinking of this, he lowered his head and saw Qiao Lian blinking mindlessly and looking at him.

Shen Liangchuan suddenly felt suffocated, frowned, and pushed her away.


  Qiao Lian fell down on the car.

Although the car was covered with thick carpets, it didn't hurt at all, but the posture was not good-looking either!

 Qiao Lian opened her mouth to curse, but when she met Shen Liangchuan's eyes, she swallowed her words again.

She patted her skin and wanted to stand up, but the car was narrow and she had a big belly. Before she could stand up, her belly was hit by the car seat and she sat down on the ground again.

Qiao Lian couldn't help but curl her lips and glared at Shen Liangchuan.

Just now she heroically saved the beauty, but this man turned against her and refused to recognize her!

 Qiao Lian slowly stood up, casually took off her maternity clothes and threw them on the car, then found a seat and sat down.

  Along the way, he didn’t talk to Shen Liangchuan again.

 The two people quickly returned to the villa.

Qiao Lian had chicken blood on her body, so she jumped out of the car without saying a word and went upstairs to take a shower.

Shen Liangchuan was about to take a shower. He frowned at the girl's soaked figure and walked to the guest room to wash up.

  When the two of them had washed themselves and put on clean clothes and went downstairs, they saw Song Cheng standing up with a serious face, "Something happened after all."

 He handed the phone to Shen Liangchuan, and Qiao Lian hurriedly leaned over to take a look.

I saw Weibo headlines:

  【Huamao Hotel conducted anti-drug operations and arrested many celebrities. Wang Wenhao insisted that Actor Shen was also in the hotel! There is no accurate information yet, but reporters contacted actor Shen's agent, but no one answered the phone. 】

 Song Cheng's other cell phone was already ringing.

He cut off the phone angrily and cursed, "This Wang Wenhao is so crazy!"

 (End of this chapter)

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