After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1054: Don't hurt my child! (20)

Chapter 1054 Don’t hurt my child! (20)

 After saying these words, he took a step back. The panic he had just now turned into coldness.

Looking at his appearance, Qiao Lian's heart gradually became cold.

She knew that once Lu Nanze showed up like this, there would be no room for maneuver.

 There is no room for maneuver...

 Her child, she hasn't even felt the child's fetal heart yet, is this child about to be deprived from her body?

 Qiao Lian bit her lip and watched as the nurse walked to her side at Lu Nanze's signal. She watched her arm being forcibly controlled, and watched the needle pierce the skin...

 Then, she saw the nurse turn on the button, hang the medicine in the water bottle, and flow into her body along the needle.

 The cold liquid made her hands and feet feel cold.


can not be like this!

 All reason disappeared at this moment.

 The limbs are imprisoned and cannot move. The only thing that can move is the head!

Without thinking, she slammed her head into the bodyguard who was holding her wrist tightly!


The bodyguard held her arm with one hand, and held the infusion bottle with the other hand.

 He hugged her tightly, but at this moment, Qiao Lian had only one thought.

 Knock over this bottle, knock over the medicine inside!

 She smashed the bottle with her head!

 At the same time, blood splattered everywhere!

 A **** hole suddenly appeared on her head!

No one thought that Qiao Lian would be so desperate.

 She actually broke the infusion bottle that was so thick...

 Her head…

 Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment!

 The infusion bottle fell to the ground and cracked.

Her eyes fell on the infusion needle on her wrist. Blood flowed out along the tube.

Qiao Lian suddenly raised her head and looked at Lu Nanze fiercely. She seemed to want to eat someone, her eyes were filled with absolute coercion and overwhelming hatred, "Second brother, if you kill my child ! No matter what the cost, I, Qiao Lian, will never be at odds with you!"

After saying this harsh sentence, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Everyone in the room was shocked for a moment.

 They stood there one by one, staring at the woman who had fainted from the trauma of the operation.

 Looking at the blood flowing from her aunt on her arm, looking at the huge blood hole on her forehead...

Until Lu Nanze's pupils shrank and he suddenly came to his senses, he shouted: "Qiao Lian! Quick, send him to the hospital!"...

 In the hospital.

 Outside the emergency room.

Lu Nanze stood there blankly.

 He stared at the door of the operating room and stood there motionless.

What emerged before her eyes were the decisive words Qiao Lian said before she fell into coma.

 He suddenly remembered that when he was a child, he made his mother angry and her mother ignored him.

 He just sat on the playground, gloomy.

 Later, Qiao Lian came to him and comforted him.

 Later, he asked her a silly question, "Qiao Lian, if I make you unhappy in the future, will you ignore me?"

  Xiao Qiaolian smiled happily and waved her hand, "You are stupid. If you offend others, just go and apologize shamelessly. Sooner or later, I will forgive you~"

 So, in his opinion, no matter what he did, as long as he kept guarding her, he would eventually be able to earn her forgiveness.

However, at this moment, her bump made him suddenly understand.

 For that child, she was really willing to risk her life.

 (End of this chapter)

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