Chapter 1059 Who am I? (4)

 Qiao Lian stared blankly at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of her. She racked her brains and couldn't remember where she had seen this woman.

 But she looked really familiar and disgusting.

Qiao Lian stared at her, and then spoke after a while, "Who are you?"

The woman in front of me said, "I am Qiu Yiyi, your cousin."

 Qiao Lian tilted her head, "Oh."

 She couldn't remember.

 Can’t think of anything.

 She couldn't even remember the man she said was her husband just now.

 Even looking at that person, she didn't feel anything.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian looked at Qiu Yiyi and said, "You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

 “There’s something going on, of course there’s something going on!”

Qiao Yiyi stared at her and suddenly lowered her head with red eyes: "Qiao Lian, second brother and I really love each other! I have his children! Why can't you let second brother go? Do you think you committed suicide? , can you keep your second brother? Even now, you can keep his person, but you can’t keep his heart!”


 Qiao Lian reached out her hand and touched her forehead.

 It turns out that this wound was caused by suicide.

It seems like she really hates these two people.

 So, the man just now always looked guilty when he looked at himself.

 Is it because you have done something unsatisfactory to yourself?

 She continued to look at Qiu Yiyi, "What then?"

Qiao Yiyi choked and looked at her again, "Qiao Lian, I know that my existence makes you feel embarrassed, but I really can't live without my second brother."

 “I like my second brother, and my second brother also likes me.”

“Second brother feels guilty for you now.”

 Qiao Lian continued to look at her, "Then what? What do you want me to do?"

Qiao Yiyi choked again. What did she want Qiao Lian to do?

 She didn’t even know what she wanted Qiao Lian to do.

She was just at the door when she heard Lu Nanze say that she was his wife. She was so angry that she rushed in and said those words.

 What can she ask Qiao Lian to do?

 She just wanted to cause trouble for Qiao Lian.

She bit her lip and stared at Qiao Lian. After a while, she lowered her head again and said, "I, I don't know, I just hope you can tolerate me..."

 Qiao Lian tilted her head and continued to stare at her, "Don't mistresses usually hope to take the place of the principal wife?"

Qiao Yiyi was slightly startled by what she said, "Huh?"

  Qiao Lian nodded, "Well, then I'll make it happen for you."

Qiao Yiyi was startled again, confused by what she said, "Huh?"

Qiao Lian frowned, and after a while, she said, "Get out."

Qiao Yiyi walked out of the ward.

By the time Lu Nanze finished his work, only half an hour had passed.

 He hurriedly returned to the ward, wanting to accompany Qiao Lian.

But when I opened the door of the ward, I saw that the bed was empty.

 A nurse came in and said, "Mr. Lu, the lady on the hospital bed left you a note and then left."

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes, "What?"

 Then he took the note from the nurse and saw a few words written on it: Let's get a divorce.

 Lu Nanze:…!

At the same time, Shen Liangchuan had arrived in Suzhou and was standing outside the hospital. He frowned and stared at Song Cheng, "Have you not found out the reason for Xiao Qiao's hospitalization?"

As soon as he said these words, he saw a sneaky Qiao Lian wearing a hospital gown walking out of the hospital!

PS: Sometimes, you can write something new with a silly joke~ I have never used this amnesia joke in several books, but I want to use it now to try to create a different feeling~~ Next The plot should be more relaxed~~The amnesia is just to foreshadow the rest of the story! Ah~ I hope you don’t dislike this plot!

 (End of this chapter)

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