After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1071: Two men fighting for one woman (6)

Chapter 1071 Two men fighting for one woman (6)

Hearing this, Mo Zhi nodded.

Mo's father patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, you have to go tomorrow, otherwise, your pocket money for the next month will be gone!"

Mo Zhi was afraid now, "Okay, okay, can't I just go?"

After leaving the study room of the Mo family, Mo Zhi snorted coldly, "What a daughter of the Shi family! She must not be good-looking! This is a rhythm that is forced on me!"

 When he said this, he couldn't help but frown, and after a while he suddenly slapped his head, "Mo Xicheng, aren't you back?"

 He rolled his eyes.

Dad will definitely not hand over the Mo family to Mo Xicheng, and Mo Xicheng, that coward, will not dare to compete with him for the Mo family.

 Coupled with Yao Lili's help and the support of his parents, what right does Mo Xicheng have to inherit the Mo family?

 So, dad’s idea is simply wrong.

 Let Mo Xicheng marry that ugly woman and then get the support of the Shi family. This is called marriage!

As for myself, of course I will marry a gentle and considerate beautiful woman in the future!

 When he thought of this, Mo Zhi suddenly became excited. He picked up his cell phone and called Mo Xicheng.

As soon as the call was connected, Mo Xicheng's voice rang, "Hello."

 “Hey, have you returned to BJ?”

 Mo Xicheng paused, "Yeah."

Mo Zhi then spoke again, "Tomorrow, BJ Hotel. Come over at noon."

Mo Xicheng, who had just arrived home and packed his luggage, was sitting on the sofa. When he heard this, he frowned, "Why?"

  "There are so many reasons why, if I ask you to come over, just come over!"

Mo Xicheng said directly: "No time!"


Mo Xicheng hung up the phone.

After a while, the phone rang again.

 He lowered his head and saw that it was Mo Zhi. He frowned and didn't want to answer.

 Mo Zhi’s phone calls were endless.

 He answered, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"BJ Hotel, if you don't come, I'll call Yao Lili over! You said, I asked her to come. If she does something embarrassing, I can't control it."

Mo Xicheng frowned.

 “Are you coming or not?”

Mo Xicheng then lowered his eyes and said, "Okay."

"Wouldn't you have just said yes? You still have to use Yao Lili to threaten you. Mo Xicheng, let me tell you, I am your brother. Just listen to me and I will do it for your brother's sake in the future. , give you some benefits, otherwise..."

Mo Xicheng hung up the phone again before he finished speaking.

 Throwing the phone aside, he stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples.

 Then he raised his head and fell on the sofa.

 When does this kind of day come to an end?

 He just wants to live what he wants, a simple life.

 He is not short of money, he just wants to draw a clear line between himself and the Mo family.

Mo Xicheng closed his eyes tiredly. Just when he was feeling sad, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He was slightly startled, picked it up, and then realized that it was a voice message sent by Shi Nianyao on WeChat. He clicked on it, and Shi Nianyao's voice came over, "Goddess, have you finished taking a shower?" Go to bed early when you are done~ You have to remember that every day is a new beginning! Every day, remember to smile~"

 The warm voice and sweet tone can calm people's restless hearts in an instant.


 Every day is a new beginning, and he wants to face life with a smile.

 I’m not sure which hotel I’ll go to tomorrow and what surprises there will be~

PS: The eighth update is finished~ In March, I have to go to class~ So all the updates during the day will be moved to the evening to update eight chapters at once! There will be no update at noon tomorrow. See you at 11pm! In addition, after midnight, it’s a new month~ Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket for March! ! thank you all!

 (End of this chapter)

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