After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1078: Two men fighting for one woman (13)

Chapter 1078 Two men fighting for a woman (13)

Shi Nianyao heard Mo Zhi's words and hurriedly turned to look at Mo Xicheng, but saw that his face was solemn and he was staring here, but he did not take a step over.

 Looking like was obvious that he didn't recognize her.

This thought made Shi Nianyao feel happy.

 She blinked her eyes, and then suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing Mo Xicheng.

So, she jumped up to Mo Xicheng, tilted her head, and said in a deliberately high-pitched voice: "Brother Mo, you are so handsome, will you be my husband?"

Shi Nianyao's face was still a little hot after saying this.


 With this crazy energy, I finally spoke out what I had hidden deep in my heart~

 Hmph, wait until tomorrow and tell him that she has already confessed her love to him again~

Thinking of this, Shi Nianyao became excited, but she didn't expect that the next second, she would hear a reply that stunned her: "Okay."

 A word that is so low that it makes people feel itchy.

Shi Nianyao was stunned.

 She looked at Mo Xicheng in disbelief.

 What did he just say?


Shi Nianyao’s eyes widened.

Then I heard Mo Zhi snort from the side, "What did I say? All love is bullshit! When he saw the eldest lady of the Shi family, he immediately forgot about his girlfriend! She was so dedicated back then... Tsk tsk!”

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but swallowed.

 Hmm, what on earth is going on?

Have you taken advantage of yourself?

Did the male **** just say yes? But if the male **** is with me, what should I do with his girlfriend?

Shi Nianyao’s mind was confused for a moment!

 That's not how the script works!

 While she was in a daze, Father Mo also came to his senses.

 Mo Zhi is definitely impossible.

He himself didn’t want to, but Father Mo felt sorry for him and was unwilling to force him.

Let’s talk about this Shi Nianyao, since he can dress up like this and come out to scare people, he is definitely not someone easy to get along with.

 Dad Mo is acting selfishly, forget it!

Then let Mo Xicheng and Shi Nianyao be together. At worst, I can take good care of Mo Xicheng on behalf of Mo Zhi!

 But this marriage with the Shi family must be settled!

Thinking of this, Father Mo immediately took a step forward, pulled Mo Xicheng over, and looked at Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan: "You two may have never seen him. This is my unlucky illegitimate son. In fact, he is still He has some abilities, I didn’t know he…”

Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan looked at each other and frowned slightly when they heard the word illegitimate child.

Originally, I wanted to refuse, but after seeing Mo Xicheng, I shut up again.

Our daughter is obsessed with the big star Mo Xicheng. As parents, of course they know! long as their daughter likes it, they don't care about status.

 What they care about is character.

 Looking at this, Mo Xicheng is countless times better than Mo Zhi!

So, Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan looked at each other, and finally said: "As long as Yao Yao likes it..."

At this time, Father Mo hurriedly moved to Shi Nianyao, pointed at Mo Xicheng and asked, "Yao Yao, is he handsome?"

Shi Nianyao nodded.

 “Then, do you like him?”

Shi Nianyao nodded again.

Of course I like it, I like it so much!

“Then it’s settled! Their two children will be engaged now! I’ve brought both the engagement rings!”

 (End of this chapter)

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