After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1092: It turns out that she is Mo Xicheng’s girlfriend! (11)

Chapter 1092 It turns out that she is Mo Xicheng’s girlfriend! (11)

Mo Zhi stared at the woman upstairs in disbelief.

Shi Nianyao was wearing a white long skirt, like a fairy, walking down slowly.

Every step she takes is very graceful. One glance tells people that she is a girl who has received a good education since she was a child.

 A face, against the background of this long skirt, looks more and more delicate, with a halo, making everyone's eyes fixed on her face.

 Mo Zhi was dumbfounded.

Shi Nianyao, why are you upstairs?

Is this lighting the wrong one?

Just when he was shocked, he saw Shi Nianyao slowly walking down to the high stage, taking the microphone from the host's hand, and her sweet voice reached the ears of everyone present through the microphone. : "Thank you all uncles and uncles for coming to support me. Because I was studying, I rarely had contact with you. I hope you will be more tolerant in the future."

 Simply put, generous and decent.

  Make people feel good.

Mo Zhi stood there, and there was discussion behind him:

“I’ll go! Is this the eldest lady of the Shi family?”

"So beautiful! There are almost no girls from other families who can compare with her, right?"


“Do you still remember that Mo Zhi said she was ugly?”

“Mo Zhi, your vision is too high! These are all ugly people, so what kind of person is beautiful in your eyes?”

“Haha, maybe, Mo Zhi’s vision is different from ours…”

All kinds of comments were like slaps on his face, making him turn red!

He was still waiting for others to laugh at Mo Xicheng with him, but he didn't expect that at this moment, he himself would become the biggest joke! !

Mo Zhi took a deep breath, his whole body felt bad.

 Then, he watched the host announce that Shi Nianyao could invite others to the first dance.

Shi Nianyao smiled and looked around the crowd, finally landing on Mo Zhi.

 Then, the people around him spontaneously moved out of the way.

Mo Zhi stared blankly, not knowing what he was thinking. He took a step forward, but at this moment, someone beside him surpassed him and walked in front of Shi Nianyao.

Mo Xicheng was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, standing handsome and elegant in front of Shi Nianyao, "Can I ask you to dance?"

Shi Nianyao stared at him with shining eyes, and subconsciously touched her neck with his other hand.

There, hanging is an aqua blue gemstone necklace.

 The blue gem, in the shape of a water drop, hung around her neck, making her skin whiter.

That was a gift from Moxi.

The two people looked at each other and smiled. Then, Shi Nianyao stretched out his hand, raised his head proudly, and put his hand in his.

Mo Xicheng held her hand and slowly walked to the dance floor.

 The focus of the entire audience fell on them.

 “This illegitimate son of the Mo family is really lucky!”

“The eldest lady of the Shi family is rich and beautiful, and I heard she has a high degree of education! This kid is just so lucky!”

“Oh my God! Didn’t you say that the Shi family had a marriage contract with Mo Zhi? How come they became Mo Xicheng?”

 “I’m so envious of Mo Xicheng! When will I have such a beautiful girlfriend!”

 The sound made Mo Zhi go crazy!

 Originally, he was the one who should be envied by everyone!

 (End of this chapter)

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