After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1103: Shen Liangchuan, I'm pregnant! (2)

Chapter 1103 Shen Liangchuan, I’m pregnant! (2)

 She remembered all the details clearly.

The animation at that time was at its most exciting, so she couldn’t forget it all day on Tuesday, and when she was studying in class the next night, she wanted to drag this group of friends along with her.

The thought at that time was that even if a group of people were discovered, the school would not do anything to them.

 When you get home, when your parents ask questions, you can also withdraw Sun Linan as a shield.

But at night, the lights in the dormitory went out, but she couldn't get out. She bothered the dormitory aunt downstairs for a long time to no avail, so she simply jumped out of the window and went downstairs.

 After she jumped down, she clearly remembered that Lu Nanze's expression immediately changed.

 My temper also became very weird.

At that time, she thought this Lu Nanze was difficult to deal with, but now she understands that... he had a bad temper at that time because... he was worried about herself?

 Qiao Lian stared at him in astonishment.

He saw Lu Nanze take a step forward, "That night, when we stayed overnight, you kept rolling your eyes at me. Then the next day, during class, you fell asleep...the teacher even asked you to get up to answer questions."

When Lu Nanze said this, he raised his lips and laughed.

Qiao Lian remembers that scene.

  She propped herself up with a book in front of her, lay on the table, and fell into a deep sleep.

Later, Sun Linan poked her arm, woke her up, and whispered: "The teacher is asking you to answer a question. Answer it quickly and choose A!"

Behind him, Lu Nanze whispered: "Choose B!"

 On the other side, a friend said: "Choose D."

 The voices of the three people made her roll her eyes, then she stood up and said abruptly: "Teacher, I choose C!"

 After saying one sentence, she became very proud.

I feel like I was really smart for not being fooled.

 But the next second, he was stabbed hard by reality.

 The teacher said: "Qiao Lian! This is a true or false question!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 When she thought of those things, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

 Shaked his head slightly.

Lu Nanze, however, took her and continued walking forward to the playground. He pointed there, looked at Qiao Lian and lowered his voice and said, "I still remember, in the third year of junior high school..."

 One sentence made Qiao Lian's eyes shrink.

 She remembers.

  That time during class, their housekeeper suddenly rushed into the classroom.

After calling the teacher out, I don’t know what he said. The teacher walked in and said to Lu Nanze: "Lu Nanze, pack your things and go home first."

 He looked confused at that time and stood up to pack his things.

At that time, I was still happy that she could skip class, and I winked at him with envious eyes.

 Then he followed the steward.

 That week, she didn’t go home because she was living on campus.

 It will be five days until Lu Nanze comes to school again.

His entire body seemed to have had all his soul taken away, like a walking corpse.

He sat in his seat and ignored the people around him who wanted to say a word to him.

 Later, in a self-study class.

 She suddenly discovered that Lu Nanze had gone out.

 She ran out after him.

 Finally, I found him on the playground.

 He was holding a bottle of beer in his hand and was drinking it painfully.

 At that time, some of them went to school incognito.

 Others do not know their identity.

 (End of this chapter)

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