After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1119: Actor Shen is jealous! (8)

Chapter 1119 Actor Shen is jealous! (8)

 Lu Nanze:…!

 The taste of crab roe has spread into the mouth.

 The fresh aroma makes your mouth taste delicious.

The taste of crab roe was indeed delicious, but when he thought about his body's reaction, Lu Nanze subconsciously wanted to spit out the contents of his mouth.

But the next moment, she met Qiao Lian's expectant eyes, "We are childhood sweethearts, so what I like to eat must also be what you like to eat, right?"

Lu Nanze looked at those eyes and shook his head into a nod.

 Then, he wrapped the crab roe in one bite and swallowed it whole.

 Drinking water quickly, trying to suppress the itching feeling at the corner of his mouth, he saw another crab roe bun appearing in front of him.

Lu Nanze:…

Qiao Lian said seriously instead, "There are only six in total. I will eat three and you will eat three. Look how nice I am to you~"

 Lu Nanze:…!

Can he not want this good thing?

Just when he was about to say this, Qiao Lian said seriously: "I always feel that the scene of eating with you like this seems familiar, as if we had eaten together many years ago."

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes and suddenly paused at what he was saying.

She saw Qiao Lian eating the crab roe bun on her chopsticks, then picking up another one and handing it to him, "You must learn to share delicious food, Lu Nanze, I am willing to share my happiness with you, are you willing?" do you accept?"

Lu Nanze: "...I do."

 He is really willing. Even if he is allergic to it, he still feels that the beauty at this moment can be retained.

So, when Qiao Lian stretched out his chopsticks again, he opened his mouth, wrapped the crab roe, and ate it again.

 After eating three crab roe buns in a row, Qiao Lian let him go.

Three crab roe buns are enough to make him feel uncomfortable for a whole day!

Thinking of this, she secretly smiled.

After lunch, Lu Nanze sent Qiao Lian back to the company, and then walked away without having time to say anything else.

 At three o'clock in the afternoon, an ambulance came to the company.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, she received a call from Lu Nanze, "Qiao Lian, I have something to do at the company today, so I won't take you home. I'll ask the driver to take you off. If there's nothing else, just go home. Tomorrow, I'll pick you up from work."

Qiao Lian smiled and said, "Okay, okay~ Do you have anything important to do?"

 “It’s okay.”

“Well, no matter how busy you are at work, it’s not as important as your body. You must take good care of your body~”

Lu Nanze, who was receiving an infusion in the hospital: "...I understand."

 Qiao Lian then hung up the phone with satisfaction, picked up her bag excitedly, and walked out.

  It was already half past five in the evening when the driver sent me home.

 Qiao Lian hurriedly rushed to the door of her house and saw Shen Liangchuan sitting in the living room with a calm face.

 Qiao Lian hurriedly stepped forward and told Shen Liangchuan what happened in the company today in detail.

 At six o'clock, Shen Liangchuan stood up and said, "Have dinner."

 Qiao Lian nodded and followed Shen Liangchuan to the restaurant. When she saw the food on the table, Qiao Lian was stunned.

 Why is the meal on the table at night exactly the same as the meal at noon?

 Especially those six crab roe buns!

As soon as she thought of this, Shen Liangchuan sat down on the dining chair, then pointed at the crab buns in front of him, "You three, me three, how about it?"

ˆ˜Qiao Lian:…!

  PS: Ah, just in time, the eighth update is finished! See you tomorrow night~ In addition, everyone please vote for the monthly ticket! The monthly vote list is no longer even in the top ten... Thank you!

 (End of this chapter)

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