After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1129: She is pregnant with Lu Nanze's child! (8)

Chapter 1129 She is pregnant with Lu Nanze’s child! (8)

 Qiao Lian said goodbye to Shen Liangchuan outside the door, and then ran into the company.

 When I entered the company, I saw the front desk standing there.

Qiao Lian tiptoed, walked over, and then asked, "How was Mr. Lu's face just now?"

 When he saw Qiao Lian at the front desk, he smiled and said, "Nothing strange!"

Qiao Lian nodded and said "Oh". Immediately, she looked upstairs and went to the female anchor's department. The department had just been moved yesterday. At this moment, everyone was working overtime anxiously.

Qiao Lian had nothing to do, just sitting there.

After a while, someone came out. When he saw Qiao Lian, he immediately waved to her: "Miss Qiao, there is a document here that requires Mr. Lu's signature. He asked you to send it to him."

ˆ Qiao Lian: ...can she say no?

 She just teased Lu Nanze, and now Lu Nanze asks her to deliver documents, which is definitely not good!

 But... isn't this an opportunity for her to be fair and go to his office?

 It just so happens that you can explore the road along the way.

After all, although she was familiar with the Lu Family Building eight years ago, she didn’t know the current building eight years ago!

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian bit her lip, took the document, and then walked out slowly.

To go to the top floor, you have to take the president’s exclusive elevator.

Her work card allowed her to go in directly, but she came out on the floor below the top floor, then walked along to the stairs next to it, and then slowly climbed up the stairs.

If she wanted to steal the account book, she definitely couldn't go up in the elevator directly.

 You can only climb floors, so you have to take a look first.

Slowly arriving at the top floor, she saw a door in front of her. She walked over and pushed it gently, but found that the door could not be pushed open.

So she increased her strength and pushed again. The door rang twice, but it still didn't open.

Just when Qiao Lian was wondering, she suddenly saw someone on the opposite side through the glass on the door. She was startled and took a step back. Just as she was about to turn around and run away, the door suddenly opened.

Immediately, a bodyguard-looking man stood there, looked at Qiao Lian and said, "Miss Qiao, Mr. Lu is waiting for you."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

She won't be discovered, right?

If you are discovered, what will you say later?

Qiao Lian lowered her head in confusion and walked up the stairs. Then she heard the sound of the bodyguard locking the door.

Qiao Lian looked back and realized that the door was actually locked!

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 No wonder, it couldn’t be opened just now!

This Lu Nanze is simply too insecure!

 She walked into Lu Nanze's office while cursing in her heart.

For safety reasons, Lu Nanze's office is very close to the stairs, and the top floor is relatively simple and has fewer people.

 Lu Nanze was looking at the computer when Qiao Lian entered the office. He saw her walking in with her head lowered, like a child who had done something wrong. Then he waved to the bodyguard, who immediately left.

Lu Nanze looked at Qiao Lian and waved to her.

Qiao Lian immediately shook her head: "If anything happens, just tell me, I won't throw myself into a trap!"

 Then he looked at him warily.

Lu Nanze frowned and then turned the computer monitor around.

Qiao Lian looked at the monitor and realized that it was the surveillance video from the stairs. He saw everything she did sneaking up the stairs just now!

 (End of this chapter)

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