After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1138: She is pregnant with Lu Nanze's child! (17)

Chapter 1138 She is pregnant with Lu Nanze’s child! (17)

"There is no doubt about the character of my brother, your father and your mother. At that time, everyone said that it was because the building materials were shoddy and your parents transferred the money and withheld it privately, which led to the collapse of the building. . You and I know better that this is all fake, because the money does not exist at all..."

When Qiao Zhigang said this, he looked at her, "But you know what? After the Qiao family collapsed, the Lu family got up and became the leader of the entire Suzhou over the years. And back then, I heard my brother say that he built Some of the materials used in the building were introduced by the Lu family... After all, the Lu family was very experienced in this area back then... Xiao Lian, I know you have always been smart. You should understand what I said, right? "

Qiao Lian frowned, and after a while, she shook her head, "I don't even remember what happened in the past! But your daughter is pregnant with Lu Nanze's child, why don't you let her stay away from Lu Nanze?"

"Do you think that after saying this, I will stay away from Lu Nanze? You are dreaming!"

Qiao Zhigang frowned, "Xiao Lian!"

Qiao Lian looked at him with a sneer, "Our relationship must not be good, because I don't feel any affection when I see you. So I won't believe your words. Farewell."

Just when he turned around to leave, Qiao Zhigang sighed, "Xiao Lian, your sister is pregnant! If she is pregnant with Lu Nanze's child, can't you give up Lu Nanze to your sister?"

Hearing this, Qiao Lian frowned.

 She turned back and looked at Qiao Zhigang.

 After all, this is actually his main purpose.

 Qiao Lian sneered. She didn't know what she thought of, but she suddenly wanted to tease him.

 So, she frowned and suddenly put her hand on her belly, "I also want to fulfill him. But do you know?"

 Qiao Zhigang looked over carefully.

Qiao Lian whispered: "Let me tell you, Lu Nanze, the child in my belly belongs to him."

With one sentence, Qiao Zhigang's expression suddenly changed.

Qiao Lian looked at him, "So uncle, if you are really my uncle and she is my cousin, just give Lu Nanze to me! After all, she is the elder sister and I am the younger sister, right?"

 Qiao Zhigang:…!

Qiao Lian turned around proudly and got into the car with a smile.

 As soon as he got in the car, his face fell.

 Her eyes suddenly became gloomy.

At noon today, I was still feeling guilty for teasing Lu Nanze, but at this moment, all those emotions disappeared.

 She is now certain that it was the Lu family who caused the ruin of her parents' reputation.

Then, she must find a way to clear her parents' names!

Thinking of this, she strengthened her belief even more.


The next day, when Qiao Lian was sent to work by Shen Liangchuan, she found that Lu Nanze had not come.

So, he had an allergy yesterday, was it too serious?

Qiao Lian later walked into the department where the anchor door was located. When she was doing nothing, her cell phone suddenly rang. When she answered it, she heard Lu Nanze's voice on the other side, "Qiao Lian, I have a water leak at home today and I can't go to work, but , there is a very important document in my office, can you send it to me? "

Hearing this, Qiao Lian's eyes widened suddenly, and her eyeballs suddenly lit up!

Isn't this a good opportunity to enter his office openly and look for the account books from that year? !

PS: The update is complete~~The sixth update today~~In recent classes, many writer friends have been together. We often exchange writing experiences together, and we have benefited a lot~~There are dinner parties almost every night, which has caused my recent updates to be unstable. , I apologize to everyone! I also hope that everyone can understand me. After all, it is such a rare opportunity to communicate~~

 (End of this chapter)

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