After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1142: He actually likes her so much... (1)

Chapter 1142 He actually likes her so much... (1)

 Qiao Lian walked out of the office door, her expression changed instantly.

She looked straight ahead, and after a while, her expression softened.

 Then, she entered the elevator, went downstairs, and then got in the car.

 When she arrived at the Lu family villa, her face had returned to calm.

When she got out of the car, she saw the nanny of the Lu family, greeting her respectfully.

Qiao Lian walked in with a smile, looking left and right.

 The more he looked, the colder his eyes became.

 Because the entire villa is completely different from what it was a few years ago.

 The Lu family used to be the third or fourth largest family in Suzhou. Their villa was not as grand as the Qiao family.

 But now…

The Lu family's villa has occupied this large area of ​​land. Many houses around it are newly built, with many facilities and even a large garden behind...

These are all things that the Lu family became rich after the Qiao family was destroyed!

The Lu family makes this money every day, lives in a luxurious house, and drives a luxury car, but what about the Qiao family?

 But after that time, she and her brother lived so hard for so many years!

 Qiao Lian entered the living room with cold eyes and saw Lu Nanze sitting on the sofa, hanging water.

His eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Qiao Lian, and he immediately pointed to the opposite side, "Sit down."

 This is the original building of the Lu family. It seems that it has not been renovated yet, and it is very similar to the previous decoration style.

She looked around and heard Lu Nanze say, "Do you feel that this place looks familiar?"

Qiao Lian raised her eyebrows and nodded immediately, "It's a bit familiar, as if I've been here before, but... why do the flowers and plants outside feel so strange to me?"

Lu Nanze explained, "Those were all built later, but don't you think there is anything familiar?"

 Something familiar?

 Isn’t it just that the family hasn’t changed much?

what else?

Qiao Lian frowned in confusion, and saw a disappointed expression on Lu Nanze's face, but soon he became more open-minded again, "You told me before that you like a small river that flows through your garden. , have you seen the creek in the garden?"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 She remembered it, and it seemed that she had indeed said such a thing before.

 But...that was just a beautiful dream.

Unexpectedly, Lu Nanze actually realized it in his home.

Just when he thought of this, he heard Lu Nanze say: "So, Qiao Lian, I have built our home. When do you plan to divorce Shen and move in?"

ˆ˜Qiao Lian:…!

 Qiao Lian raised her head in surprise and looked at Lu Nanze.

 There were still little red spots on his face and neck, and his lips were still swollen.

 But when he said this, he was particularly serious, and there was even a sadness in his tone that no one could detect.

 Qiao Lian was silent.

 She stood there fixedly, not knowing what to say.

 When will you divorce Shen Liangchuan?

 This is simply impossible!

 Move in, that is even more impossible.

Qiao Lian thought of this and was about to speak when Lu Nanze suddenly laughed, "I'm just teasing you. You're so frightened that your face turned pale. Okay, have you brought the documents?"

Only then did Qiao Lian remember the reason for coming, and hurriedly put the documents on the coffee table.

 Then, she stood up and planned to leave, "Here are the documents for you. If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

 (End of this chapter)

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