After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1177: Him and his first collaboration (16)

 Chapter 1177 He and his first collaboration (16)

Qiao Lian left Qiao Zhigang and pushed the wheelchair back to Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan stared at her, "How is it?"

Qiao Lian lowered her eyes, "I will never compromise on my parents' matters."

Even if Lu Nanze saved her, black is black and white is white.

 Her parents have been stigmatized for so many years, and she can't let them die and be left with a lot of slander behind them.

 Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan nodded, a stern look flashed in his eyes, "Just think that we owe him a favor, and we will repay it when we find an opportunity in the future."

 Qiao Lian nodded.

Shen Liangchuan lowered his voice and asked, "Now, where are we going?"

 Where to go?

 They originally came here to visit Lu Nanze.

 But now, she suddenly felt that she should actually keep a distance from Lu Nanze.

 Qiao Lian lowered her eyes.


When Qiu Yiyi found Dad Lu, Dad Lu was doing a full-body spa in a spa shop. He was wrapped in a bath towel. When he came out, he saw Qiu Yiyi standing there with an uneasy expression. He was slightly startled, and then asked: "You Why are you here?"

 The future father-in-law is indeed a little embarrassed when he meets his daughter-in-law.

Qiao Yiyi's eyes lit up and she took a step forward, "Uncle Lu, you have to save my dad!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and cried softly.

Dad Lu was slightly startled, "What's wrong with your dad?"

Qiu Yiyi told what happened. Of course, the general content must be that Qiao Lian had been bullying her and seducing Lu Nanze. Her father couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped in for her. He just wanted to teach her a lesson and never thought of anything else. of.

 But now, Lu Nanze and Qiao Lian are aggressive and unwilling to give up.

When Qiu Yiyi said this, she lowered her head and cried very sadly, "Uncle Lu, you also know that my father never suffers. In fact, sometimes what he does is wrong. Maybe he can go to jail and reform. That's a good thing, but I'm just worried, what if my father resents my second brother and gives something to the police, for example... account books or something like that..."

Dad Lu was originally impatient to hear what Qiu Yiyi said, but as soon as he said these words, his pupils suddenly shrank and he raised his head.

 Unexpectedly, this little girl who looks delicate and frail is actually a scheming person.

Dad Lu immediately laughed, "Isn't this just a matter of words? Don't worry, your dad will be fine."

 “And those people in the police station?”

“I know the director, I’ll call him soon.”

 Qiao Yiyi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

 When Qiu Yiyi left, Dad Lu suddenly narrowed his eyes, picked up his cell phone, and walked to the side.

First, he called the director and said, "Xiao Li~"

 Xiao Li is Lu Nanze’s friend, and now he has reached this level.

 Xiao Li sighed immediately, "Uncle Lu, I know what you have to do with me, but, Brother Gang just called me and asked us to deal with the matter in a business-like manner."

 Being official means that we must pursue it to the end!

Dad Lu narrowed his eyes, "This bastard, I'm going to the hospital right now!"

 Hang up the phone, he drove directly to the hospital.

At the same time, a policeman had arrived at the door of Qiao Zhigang's house. After knocking on the door, he said, "Please come with us."

 (End of this chapter)

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