After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1179: Second brother, goodbye (2)

Chapter 1179: Goodbye, second brother (2)

 On the hospital bed, Lu Nanze was lying there.

 Looking at Dad Lu who was cursing him, he felt dazed for a while.

He didn't know anything about what happened a few years ago. Later, he found out that it was his father who had harmed Qiao Lian.

 At that time, he didn't know how to face her next.

And now... his father stood in front of him confidently and accused him.

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, and for a moment, he felt panicked.

 Actually, he didn’t know what to do.

 Dad is his father. Even if he is not a good person, he is his last relative in this world. He should be defending his father, because he himself is not a good person.

 He is the kind of person who can sacrifice anything for his own benefit.

 But now, he suddenly felt that maybe he had done something wrong in the past.

Ever since Qiao Lian broke his head and almost died because of that child, he began to reflect on himself.

until now…

 He suddenly understood what Shen Liangchuan once said.

 Like, if you see the flower, you will pick it off and take it as your own.

 Love, on the other hand, will take good care of it and protect it from wind and rain, as long as it lives well.

 In the past, Qiao Lian always said that he did not love her.

What now?

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze lowered his head and narrowed his eyes.

 He knew that if his father was sent to the police station, he would have another chance to compete with Shen Liangchuan.

 But now…

Lu Nanze slowly raised his head, looked at Dad Lu, and after a while he said, "I understand, Dad."

After saying this, Father Lu breathed a sigh of relief. He took a step forward and patted Lu Nanze on the shoulder. After a while, he lowered his head and said, "Good son, I knew you wouldn't ignore Dad."

 At this point, he turned around, looked at Qiu Yiyi, and then said: "What about her..."

 One sentence made Lu Nanze narrow his eyes.

 After a while, he suddenly said: "Do you want to marry into the Lu family?"

Qiao Yiyi nodded.

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, "I will give you two choices. First, you marry into the Lu family. Of course, this depends on your sincerity. Second, I will give your father a way out. You can make your own decision on these two options. You go out. I want to be quiet for a while."

 After saying this, Qiao Yiyi's pupils suddenly shrank, with a feeling of madness and joy in her eyes!

She clenched her fists tightly, looked at Lu Nanze, and then slowly said after a while: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

 Then, she turned around and walked straight out!

When Qiu Yiyi walked to the door, she happened to see Qiao Lian standing there. The smile on her face could not be concealed at all. After seeing Qiao Lian, she paused for a while and then said with a smile: "Qiao Lian, Did you hear that? Second brother can’t let me go, and second brother likes me!”

 After saying this, she raised her lips and said, "Second brother is going to marry me! Second brother is going to marry me!"

When Qiao Lian heard this, she looked at Qiu Yiyi. She seemed to have forgotten the meaning of Lu Nanze's words just now...

If she wants to marry into the Lu family, then what she needs to do is to convince Qiao Zhigang to admit that he paid for the murder and destroy the ledger!

 But this woman seems to have forgotten her father.

 It’s terrible, so terrible. One person’s obsession is so terrible that she doesn’t even care about flesh and blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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