After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1188: Second brother, goodbye (11)

Chapter 1188: Goodbye, second brother (11)

 “Oh, the child is real.”

Qiao Yiyi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Second brother, you can't leave me and the child alone!"

Dad Lu also nodded, "Yes, this child is a must! And I have already announced your marriage. If you don't travel, I'm afraid the company's reputation will be affected and the stock will fall."

 “What if I say, this child is not mine?”

Lu Nanze's words out of thin air made Qiu Yiyi and Dad Lu stunned.

 Dad Lu reacted for a long time before he asked, "What do you mean?"

 “It means that this child is not mine.”

"How can this be?"

"This is impossible!"

Following Lu Nanze’s words, Lu’s father and Qiao Yiyi shouted at the same time!

Qiao Yiyi yelled directly: "You are the only man in my life. How could the child in my belly not be yours! Second brother, how could you slander me like this!"

Her eyes were red with anger, she really felt aggrieved.

She would never want Lu Nanze for such a long time, even if it took several months, but she did only have Lu Nanze as a man.

 Now, what does second brother mean? Don't you want to admit this child? !

 She bit her lip and stared at Lu Nanze.

He then heard Lu Nanze slowly say: "The person who has been with you all these years is Zhao Yang."

"How can it be!"

Lu Nanze raised his lips, and then spoke slowly: "Do you think I will give in to you as a woman? The person who praises you every time is Zhao Yang. Think about it carefully, have I really touched you?"

Have you really touched her?

 Qiao Yiyi was stunned.

 Every time I drink some red wine first, then I get excited, and then I get drunk.

Now that I think about it, her drinking capacity is actually pretty good. How could she get drunk after just one glass of red wine?

She staggered, took a step back, and looked at Lu Nanze in disbelief.

 She swallowed, "Why?"

“Because when I see you, I feel sick.”

 The venomous words made Qiao Yiyi's whole body collapse.

She looked at Lu Nanze in shock, her mouth trembling, and she couldn't say a word.

Second brother actually hates her to the point where he doesn't even want to touch her?

She was so shocked by this reality that she even looked at Lu Nanze in disbelief. Finally, the realization fell on Father Lu, "Uncle Lu, Uncle Lu, this must be a lie! You have to believe me, this child, It belongs to my second brother! You have to make the decision for me!"

Papa Lu frowned, "Don't you even know who slept with you?"

Qiao Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "That's the second brother!"

Lu Nanze sneered, "Then give birth and check the DNA."

With one word, Qiao Yiyi's eyes narrowed and she felt a little guilty.

Her actions made Dad Lu understand what was going on in an instant, and his face suddenly turned cold, "It turns out that you are a loser! Then this marriage must not count! I would rather own the family's stocks, I can't accept the loss of a few dollars, and I don't agree with this marriage!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yiyi said directly: "Then I will abort the child!"

"After aborting the child, you are no longer innocent. Why should I find a woman who has been an assistant for my son?"

Dad Lu's words were more explicit and humiliating than those of Lu Nanze, which made Qiu Yiyi feel bad all over.

 (End of this chapter)

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