After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1220: Xia Yehua’s marriage (18)

 Chapter 1220 Xia Yehua’s marriage (18)

Shen Zihao is already here, and Xia Nuannuan will definitely follow.

 Then, the three people looked at Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan turned around and walked into the living room. He ignored them, picked up the newspaper, and sat on the sofa to read.

Shen Zihao: "Damn, sister-in-law, this person called my mother a **** and wanted to build a memorial arch!"

Qiao Lian: "Reply him, if you have nothing to do, you should make money quickly, lest you don't even have the money to build a monument for yourself in the future!"

 Shen Zihao:…

Xia Nuannuan: "As for this, Mom is really tolerant, but it is definitely impossible to rely on time to dilute the problem! This is a matter of principle, and the mistress must not be in the position!"

Qiao Lian: "Young mistress, you sister! Don't always look at the world with your own dirty thoughts. Buddha said, what you think is what you see, so you only want to be a mistress? Or are you the kind who can't get to the top?" "

Xia Nuannuan: "Isn't that what you said in the original words?"

Qiao Lian: "I forgot the original words, it doesn't matter anyway, it's all what you meant."

 Xia Nuannuan:…

Shen Zihao: "And this, this..."


  Qiao Lian’s curse words are very sharp.

Having been a reporter for so many years, her eloquence is unparalleled by anyone.

Moreover, she really, really hates online violence.

 Just like what happened this time, fortunately the heroine in the accident was her mother, otherwise, the person who was scolded would not have jumped off the building!

Qiao Lian thought of this and continued to curse.

after an hour.

Shen Zihao threw down his mobile phone, "Why are there so many people?"

Xia Nuannuan moved her sore arms: "Replying one by one, I'm so tired, there are thousands of comments."

Qiao Lian: "...Of course three people can't stand up to a group of people."

Shen Zihao said resentfully: "We can obviously have four people!"

Qiao Lian immediately raised her head and looked at Shen Liangchuan. She saw him raise his eyes lightly, immediately put down the magazine in his hand, then picked up the phone, looked at it a few times, and then said, "Well, it's done."

ˆ˜Qiao Lian:? ?

 The next second, Shen Zihao almost jumped up from the sofa, "Let me go, what's going on? Why are there suddenly so many people supporting us?"

 Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan in confusion and heard him say: "I just found Song City and the navy."

ˆ˜Qiao Lian:…!

So, when Actor Shen was scolded on the Internet in the past, did he also seek out trolls?

  It’s simply too damaging to the image, okay?

 Most of the comments on the Internet were not one-sided, and Qiao Lian was left alone.

Qiao Lian frowned and said, "There's something wrong with this matter. Even though the post involves Actor Shen, it's only taken so long for it to become like this. It feels like there's someone pushing it behind the scenes."

Shen Liangchuan frowned when he heard this, "Well, there are indeed people pushing it, and those who curse are also navy soldiers."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

So they were scolding the navy for a long time just now?

She looked at Shen Liangchuan resentfully and heard Shen Liangchuan say: "Mom, nothing will happen. Everything about public opinion will be fine."

 Everyone in the room relaxed, and then they heard Shen Liangchuan continue to speak: "I'm just afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, the nanny rushed in, "Mr. Shen, Zhang, and people from the Zhang family rushed to the house with a group of people! What should we do now? Do we want to call Mr. Li?"

 PS: The update is finished, good night~~Remember to vote monthly~~

 (End of this chapter)

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