After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1224: Xia Yehua’s marriage (22)

 Chapter 1224 Xia Yehua’s marriage (22)

Xia Yehua was even more shocked.

 Actually, she and Li Mao did spend time together when they were young.

 But later, they broke up and married each other.

 After marriage, in order to avoid suspicion, they did not have any contact for twenty years.

It wasn't until Xia Yehua was purged from the Shen family and left penniless with a nanny and a child that Li Mao appeared in front of them and helped her pay Shen Liangchuan's medical bills and find a place for them. .

  But even so.

  Even the strongest emotions will fade after 20 years.

At that time, Xia Yehua never thought about being with Li Mao.

Moreover, she only accepted Li Mao’s help in the early stage, and later, they lost contact again.

 Until Zhang Yuan died.

Xia Yehua was also surprised by Zhang Yuan's death. On the day of her death, Xia Yehua went out specifically, wondering how Li Mao would be feeling. Later, they met at a place where they often played together when they were young.

Li Mao was drinking there.

 She said a few words to Li Mao.

 Because Zhang Yuan died, she divorced. Later, she restored contact with Li Mao this time.

 Li Mao could not recover from the pain of Zhang Yuan's death at first. It was not until a year later that Li Mao gradually came out of it, and then, through the gradual contact, he fell in love with Xia Yehua again.

 So, Zhang Yuan's death really had nothing to do with Xia Yehua.

However, Brother Zhang Yuan obviously didn’t believe what Li Mao said, “If what you said is true, then take out all the previous cases and show them to me!”

When Li Mao heard this, his eyes flashed a few times, and he lowered his head guiltily, "Case, the case has been lost a long time ago."


"Yes, Yuan Yuan was afraid that you would be worried, so she destroyed them all. Later, after her death, she was even more afraid that you would be sad, so she burned them all."

"Ha! Li Mao, do you think we will believe what you say? Everyone is dead, are we still afraid of knowing what made her sick?! You burned all her medical records, you must have something in your heart! Tell me, what disease did Yuan Yuan have? "

Li Mao insisted on his statement: "It was cancer. When it was discovered, it was already in the advanced stage. I took it off for several months and died without treatment."

"Cancer, cancer... Cancer is usually hereditary in families! No one in our family has died of cancer so far! How could she have cancer? Do you think I would believe it?! "

Li Mao wanted to say something else, but an anxious voice came from the door, "Uncle, it's really cancer!"

By the time he finished speaking, Li Tianyu had already walked in.

As soon as he came in, he apologized to Shen Zihao and Shen Liangchuan, "Brother, I'm sorry. My grandma and the others don't understand. I have wronged Aunt Xia."

Then he turned around and grabbed Old Mrs. Zhang, "Grandma, you really misunderstood. My mother's death has nothing to do with Aunt Xia. Let's go back first. Don't make trouble here, so as not to embarrass my father... "

After finishing his sentence, he slapped the back of his hand, "You bastard! Your mother gave birth to you and raised you, and now you are only thinking about your father?! Let me tell you, this matter cannot be solved so easily. ! I have to find out why my daughter was so angry with them! Otherwise, the wedding between you two will not be held!"

 (End of this chapter)

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