After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1230: Xia Yehua’s marriage (28)

 Chapter 1230 Xia Yehua’s marriage (28)

 When Shen Xiu returned home, it was already the next morning.

 He rarely stays up late at night, but last night was an accident.

 When I first arrived at home, I found that no one had gotten up yet.

 So, Shen Xiu rushed to the study room upstairs, opened it, and walked in.

 After a while, he pretended to be walking out of the study.

  When I opened the door, I happened to see Mei Feng walking out of the bedroom. After seeing him, I was slightly startled, and then took a step forward: "I thought you didn't come back. When did you come back last night?"

Shen Xiu coughed and said with a twinkling look in his eyes: "Well, I worked overtime until very late yesterday, and it was already very late when I came back. I just wanted not to disturb your rest, so I stayed in the study."

When Mei Feng heard this, she narrowed her eyes and immediately said, "Did you just wake up?"

 “Ah, yes!”

Mei Feng’s eyes fell on his neck.

There is a lipstick mark there.

She couldn't help but move forward again, and smelled the smell of a rich perfume that only girls would use on Shen Xiu!

 She immediately frowned and covered her mouth.

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She was so angry that she was going crazy!

This man actually found another woman outside?

 After telling her to take good care of her, he went out to find a woman?

 However, the angrier Mei Feng gets, the calmer she appears on her face.

She took a step forward, lowered her head, hiding her thoughts, and then said with a smile: "Then you are exhausted, hurry up and go downstairs for breakfast."

 Shen Xiu nodded and followed Mei Feng downstairs.

 Because he felt guilty in his heart, Shen Xiu couldn't help but look at Mei Feng a few more times.

Mei Feng seemed to have not slept all night, and she was very tired. Moreover, looking at it like this, Shen Xiu realized that Mei Feng's skin was simply too loose.

Even cosmetics can't seem to save her.

 Involuntarily, he thought of Xiao Wang's supple skin today.

 There is really no harm if there is no contrast.

Shen Xiu couldn't help but spoke again: "Didn't I tell you that you can get some Botox or hyaluronic acid? Look at the wrinkles on your face..."

 After saying this, he frowned and stopped talking.

 He went straight downstairs.

 Only Mei Feng was left, her face livid with anger.

So, after you have just gone out to look for a woman and returned home, do you dislike the fact that everyone in the house is old and senile? !

Mei Feng was at the stairs, taking several deep breaths before suppressing the anger in her heart.

She went downstairs calmly in a dress and came to the living room. She saw Shen Xiu sitting at the dining table eating with a very good appetite. She walked over and sat opposite him.

The two of them were eating when they saw Shen Xiu's WeChat message suddenly light up.

She raised her head to see who had sent the message, and saw Shen Xiu's face lit up. He picked up his phone and started reading.

 Soon, the corners of his lips raised, obviously he was amused by the information.

 Mei Feng:…!

Mei Feng was so anxious that she felt like she was being scratched by a cat. She wanted to take out Shen Xiu's cell phone and take a look.

 But you can’t do it forcefully.

She could only take advantage of Shen Xiu to go to the bathroom, rush over and pick up the phone.

I saw the above message from a standard Xiao Wang with a very coquettish woman’s profile picture:

 Xiao Wang: Manager Shen, my legs are weak when I woke up today. Can I take leave and not go to work? 】

PS: I’ve been staying up late coding for several days. Today I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I was so sleepy that I couldn’t open my eyes. I almost climbed on the table and fell asleep. I cried. Let’s do this. I won’t stay up late anymore. I'll make up for the remaining two updates at noon tomorrow. I really can't do it anymore, so I'm going to bed... Good night, everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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