After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1242: Mei Feng’s fate (10)

Chapter 1242 Mei Feng’s fate (10)

Mei Feng stared at him. When he said it without hesitation and agreed to her conditions, she knew that Shen Xiu was coaxing her.

Mei Feng sneered and lowered her eyes, "No need for a hundred, I only need one condition."

"you say."

 “Let’s get a divorce.”


  Shen Xiu:…

 Shen Xiu was stunned.

 He stared at Mei Feng in disbelief, never expecting that Mei Feng would say such a sentence.

His mouth widened in surprise, "What did you say?"

 “I said, let’s get a divorce.”

Mei Feng sat up straight and stared at him, "You like Xiao Wang, and I am getting old and beautiful. It is the best choice for us to divorce, so as not to hurt each other again."

Shen Xiuning frowned, "But if you divorce me, what will you do? Oh, yes, I will give you a certain deposit to guarantee your life. How much do you want, you can make an estimate..."

 Shen Xiu has long wanted to divorce Mei Feng!

At this moment, I was so excited to hear that she proposed divorce!

He was eagerly thinking, if he got divorced, he could marry Xiao Wang back home?

 Xiao Wang is a funny person, and being with her makes her feel ten years younger!

Of course, Mei Feng has been with him for so many years, and now he can quit so easily. He can't be too sorry for Mei Feng, so let's give her one million... ten million.

Just when I thought of this, I heard Mei Feng say: "Yes, of course there will be a property dispute when we get divorced. I want two-thirds of all the property in your name."

Shen Xiu was stunned and stood up suddenly, "What did you say?!"

Although Shen Xiu does not have any shares in the company, the old man will give him part of the company's dividends every year. Besides, as the CEO of the company, he must also be paid. Therefore, Shen Xiu's obvious wealth is in the hundreds of millions!

  Shen Xiu himself has no shares, so he values ​​these private properties very seriously.

Now Mei Feng actually opened her mouth and asked him for two-thirds? !

 Shen Xiu was angry, "You are too open-minded!"

Mei Feng's expression was indifferent. Although her heart was in pain as if it was being torn apart, it didn't show on her face at all. She stared at Shen Xiu and then slowly said after a while: "It's not too much for me to ask. The property is our husband and wife's joint property. If you don't give me two-thirds, then it's 50-50! If you cheat, it's your fault. It's good that I didn't clean you out of the house."

Shen Xiu snorted coldly, "Have you earned even one cent of the family's money? I earned it all, why should I give it to you?! Five million, take the money and leave the Shen family immediately!"

Mei Feng smiled, "What do you think 500 points can do? It's not even enough to buy a house in BJ! So, how do you want me to live? Shen Xiu, 500 points, if you give it to me, I will give you a complete life immediately Miss Wang!”

Shen Xiu looked hesitant.

 Fifty-five cents, equivalent to tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Is it really worth it to exchange this money for a little king?

He frowned, and after a while he snorted coldly, "Divorce? Divorce for what? I won't divorce!"

Then he stood up and walked to the study room upstairs.

 Looking at his back, Mei Feng couldn't help but sneer again.

If he dared to give it to her, she might still be able to respect him.

 (End of this chapter)

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