After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1245: Mei Feng’s fate (13)

Chapter 1245 Mei Feng’s fate (13)

 In the dark room, only a bedside lamp was turned on.

The whole room was dark, but Mei Feng could see the murderous intent bursting out of Shen Xiu's eyes at this moment.

 She felt the hand on her neck tightening, "Are you going to say it?"

 The feeling of suffocation made her hair stand up all of a sudden!

 She bit her lip and stretched out her hand, trying to break away from Shen Xiu.

 But her body was pressed, and her strength was not as strong as Shen Xiu's. She struggled hard for a long time, but it was in vain.

 Her chest was in extra pain due to suffocation. For the first time, Mei Feng felt that death was so close to her.

She opened her mouth, but could not speak. She opened her mouth wide, like a fish out of water, trying to get a breath, but the vision in front of her eyes became blurred, and even her feelings changed at this moment. She was extremely sensitive. Just when she thought she was about to be strangled to death, the hand around her neck loosened slightly.

  She immediately took a deep breath.

 At this moment, she was really scared.

 Afraid of this man, afraid of this crazy man.

Shen Xiu lowered his voice and asked again gloomily: "Are you going to say it or not?"

Mei Feng hurriedly spoke, "Chen Xiu, killing is against the law! You, don't be impulsive!"

 Her voice had become hoarse because of what had just happened, and her vocal cords had been damaged.

Shen Xiu sneered, "Do you think it would be difficult for a wealthy family to kill someone and then avoid legal sanctions? Believe it or not, I can do it even if you die, and no one will notice. !”

Mei Feng's eyes narrowed, and she heard Shen Xiu continue to ask: "Tell me, where is the little king?"

 Where is Xiao Wang?

 How did she know?

Mei Feng might have been able to outsmart him before, but at this moment, Mei Feng was completely frightened by his actions just now!

She spoke hurriedly: "I don't know, I really don't know, it wasn't me, I wasn't the one who kidnapped Xiao Wang... I have nothing to do with her..."

Chen Xiu's eyes suddenly turned red, "Mei Feng! Are you sure that I won't be cruel to you?! Do you believe it or not that I really dare to strangle you to death! If Xiao Wang dies, I will let you be buried with him!" "

 After Shen Xiu finished saying this, he used his hands slightly again.

Mei Feng’s eyes are about to pop out!

Shen Xiu's actions just now gave her the illusion that Shen Xiu would kill her!

 I really want to kill her!

 A kind of panic suddenly hit her whole body, causing her to push hard without even thinking!

  Shen Xiu's courage is not that great at all, otherwise he would not have gotten to where he is now. Everything he did just now was just to count the time and scare Mei Feng.

At this moment, he was about to let go of his hand and leave Mei Feng, but he was pushed so hard by Mei Feng!

 So, Shen Xiu was easily pushed to the ground by her force and sat down on the ground.

 “You dare to attack me!”

Shen Xiu roared angrily and wanted to stand up and rush to Mei Feng, but a pain in his **** made him feel weak in his waist and he fell back uncontrollably!

Then, his body began to shake uncontrollably.

Mei Feng was stunned and suddenly realized that this was Shen Xiu's illness!

 Over the years, Shen Xiu has always had high blood pressure.

 The mood swing just now caused his blood pressure to rise, and he immediately suffered a cerebral hemorrhage!

 (End of this chapter)

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