After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1256: Mei Feng’s fate (24)

 Chapter 1256 Mei Feng’s fate (24)


 Abbreviation for Shen Xiu?

Mei Feng was slightly startled, and an idea suddenly flashed in her mind!

 She remembered!

She remembered that Shen Xiu had once been so angry with Shen Liangchuan in the company that he was about to explode. She had comforted him, saying that it was what Shen Liangchuan cared about most, and it would be okay to destroy it.

Shen Xiu thought for a moment and finally said, "What that **** cares about most is e-sports that is not a real job!"

At that time, he seemed to have said something, "Then beat him in e-sports!"

At that time, Shen Liangchuan’s team, CQ, won first place in the BJ division and then entered the national competition.

So this SX?

Mei Feng hurriedly picked up her phone and searched the Internet. She found that this SX team was actually a club registered in Shanghai and had entered the national competition.

Mei Feng's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly felt a sense of revenge!

 She gritted her teeth, narrowed her eyes, and clenched her fists tightly.

 Shen Liangchuan, didn’t you destroy everything I have?

 Then now, I will destroy everything you have!

Thinking of this, Mei Feng immediately booked a flight to Shanghai!

 Early the next morning, she flew to Shanghai. After arriving at the club, she directly contacted the club's senior management.

Everyone was still a little unfamiliar with this newly promoted boss, so the coach felt a little guilty when he met her, but he didn't expect that after meeting her, Mei Feng only said one sentence: "I want to win, I want to defeat CQ! No matter what, By any means!"

The coach was slightly startled, "But our team has just been established, so it's difficult to win the game."

Mei Feng narrowed her eyes, "Why is it so difficult? Is it possible to find foreign aid?! I remember that Country H is convenient here. Isn't it particularly powerful? Find them!"

The coach was stunned, "I do have a candidate, but the reputation in country H is not very good, and the technology is world-class..."

 “I don’t care if his reputation is good or not? As long as he wins, you go and invite him!”

The coach hesitated: "But the foreign players who have passed the exam are very expensive, with annual salaries of several million..."


Mei Feng's heart ached a little.

 Her current total net worth is not even 10 million!

 However, thinking of Shen Liangchuan and Xiao Wang, her heart hardened, "Please!"

Even if she loses everything, she will still drag Shen Liangchuan and cause him trouble!

His biggest wish since he was a child is to take e-sports to the world.

 Eight years ago, she stopped it once.

 Now, she can organize the second time!

 She wants his biggest dream to fall into her own hands forever in this life!

Thinking of this, Mei Feng's face showed a crazy and peak expression.


 In the Shen family villa.

Meifeng was suppressed so miserably that the moods of Shen Liangchuan and Shen Zihao finally improved a lot.

 At night, Shen Liangchuan walked into the bedroom and saw Qiao Lian playing soft music and playing a game on the computer.

 He walked over and hugged her gently from behind.

Qiao Lian immediately pushed him away, "Oh, don't move, I'm playing a game!"

Shen Liangchuan: "...Is the game more important than me?"

 Qiao Lian glanced at him and smiled, "You are more important than the game!"

Shen Liangchuan then laughed and said, "Then when will you hold a wedding with me?"

 Qiao Lian thought for a while, tilted her head, and then said, "We'll wait until our CQ team wins the world championship."

 Shen Liangchuan:…

  PS: After finishing this game, the main text is coming to an’s actually very sad. I’ll update three chapters first, and continue in the evening~~ It’s the last two days, please vote for me!

 (End of this chapter)

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