Chapter 1259 Ending (2)

"The role selection in this game is all about fighting... There must be someone who plays the role of resistance, and someone who plays the output position. The prince is the one who plays the output. The game has strict requirements on output. Only if your output is strong enough, can both sides win the team battle. ”

Lu Nanze suddenly realized, "Oh, so that's it... Then, how do you play this game?"

 “This is actually a tower pushing game…”

 Shen Liangchuan:…

Shen Liangchuan watched Qiao Lian patiently explain to him step by step. He could hear the gentle words Qiao Lian said in his ears. He couldn't help but think sourly in his heart: I didn't see you and me either. He was so gentle when he spoke.

 An opening ceremony, the host talked for a long time.

Then, the host suddenly said: "Today, our game is a bit special. The first group match is PC vs. SX! PC is a veteran team. As we all know, this team can be said to have almost no defeats! But! Today, SX finally attracted their foreign aid, the number one player in country H. Everyone should have heard of his name, king!”

 After saying this, there was an uproar below!

Qiao Liandu's pupils shrank and he narrowed his eyes suddenly.



She turned her head suddenly and looked at Shen Liangchuan, but saw his pupils shrink and looked over.

 Looking at each other, the two people became serious at the same time.

 They thought about playing games in high school... In a team competition, they were completely beaten by the king team...

 She even remembered what King, the captain of King's team at that time, said directly:


 “What is the first place? Is this your level?”

 “Weak chicken…”

It can be said that it was their stimulation back then that made Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan choose to embark on the road of no return such as e-sports!

 This road has been going for eight years, eight years late, and now it is finally on the right track.

 But I didn’t expect that I would meet the king!

This is really a road between enemies!

Qiao Lian narrowed her eyes and heard the commentator explain the game, "King was the captain of the world champion team King. After he retired, he was poached to China by SX. I believe that today's game , it will definitely be very exciting! With the addition of King, SX will definitely become different from before! Perhaps, the game we will face today will be a fierce game that we have never seen before!”

While the host was still narrating, Lu Nanze suddenly looked at Shen Liangchuan and said, "I have something to say to you. How about we change places?"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 What time is it now? What on earth are you two up to?

 She said directly: "This should wait until after the competition is over. If you have anything to say..."

 “Okay. Where to go?”

Lu Nanze stood up and walked directly out.

 Shen Liangchuan followed behind him.

 Qiao Lian: ...By the time Qiao Lian realized what was happening, the two people had already left the competition site and went to the lounge nearby.

 Qiao Lian looked back at the stage and felt that this game would not start for at least twenty minutes, so she gritted her teeth and followed.

What if she doesn't follow and Shen Liangchuan and Lu Nanze start a fight?

She walked to the backstage lounge, looked left and right, but didn't see the figures of the two people. When she was about to leave, she suddenly heard a sound coming from the bathroom.

 (End of this chapter)

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