After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 126: A slap in the face (6)

Chapter 126 Slap (6)

Shen Liangchuan opened the video on Weibo.

 The video was not very clear, especially the girl above. It only showed her appearance after being beaten, with her hair covering her face, so Song Cheng did not see who it was.

 But Shen Liangchuan's fist suddenly clenched.

This girl...even if she was hiding her face, he recognized her immediately.

It’s Qiao Lian!

No wonder it’s daytime, and the girl who is always very energetic and wants to run outside all day long is staying at home...

No wonder she hid in the bathroom and didn’t want to be seen, no wonder she put a mask on her face...

It turns out that everything is because of this!

 How stupid is she?

She would apply the mask on her face. Did she know that it might cause inflammation of the wound?

When he thought of this, he suddenly turned the car around and headed straight for the villa.

On the way, a flash of anger flashed in his starry eyes. Thinking of the girl being slapped twice in the picture, he wanted to find Wang Wenhao and tear him apart!

The car arrived at the villa and when he was about to enter, it suddenly stopped.

 The mania that had just occurred for a moment slowly calmed down.

 The image of the girl just now was all in his mind, and he had to say that even through the mask, he could still notice her bright starry eyes.

 His expression suddenly became a little dazed, and immediately, a touch of sarcasm appeared on his lips.

 She digs news for him. But now... I'm so angry that I don't dare to tell him.

 Why don’t you say it?

 Is it because he once warned her not to cause trouble for him?

 Thinking of this, he leaned on the car seat and looked upstairs through the car window.

She must have just washed the mask off her face. If she drove in, she would have applied it again in a panic.

Since she didn’t want him to know, why would he go in and embarrass her?

His eyes fell on the steering wheel, an unpredictable look flashed in his eyes.

 Suddenly a voice from eight years ago rang in my ears...

 When he was playing a game with Qiao Lian, he turned on voice in order to communicate.

 Once, when they were playing a game, Shen Liangchuan walked in the middle and asked Qiao Lian to fight from the side to upgrade his equipment.

 While fighting monsters, he stared at her.

 Suddenly she saw on the general map that two people from the enemy appeared in front of her.

 He reminded her: "Evacuate!"

 At the beginning of the game, you will definitely lose in a one-on-two match.

 But she said: "Let them see how powerful I am!"

 Then...she died.

 After resurrection, she continued to act recklessly and got into a fight with those two people.

 He was attacked in the middle, and he was at a loss for what to do.

 She just died and went, went and died again.

After dying four times, she finally spoke with an order: "Zichuan, go and avenge me! You must kill them four times!"

Shen Liangchuan curled his lips, "You are stupid. You know you can't beat me but you still beat me. Why should I avenge you?"

“Because you are my boyfriend! I was bullied, so of course you stood up for me! Go quickly.”

 Because you are my boyfriend...

With one sentence, he actually killed her four times to calm her anger.

 Later, he told her, "When something happens, only a mentally retarded person will fight head-on. The first time you were killed, you should have waited for me to avenge you."

“Yes, yes, yes, little lady, I have remembered it, please take good care of me in the future!”

 The self-righteousness at that time was in sharp contrast to the current situation.

Shen Liangchuan suddenly felt his heart aching.

 (End of this chapter)

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