Chapter 1268 Ending (11)

Lu Nanze's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely irritating Shen Liangchuan.

His anger was squeezed to a certain extent, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly stretched out his fist and punched him on the corner of the mouth.

 “Beast!” Shen Liangchuan, who never used swear words, couldn’t help but curse.

Because what Lu Nanze did was so abominable that he misunderstood Qiao Lian for eight whole years.

 Even until now, that matter remains a dead end in his heart.

 That year, he was kicked out of the Shen family and was penniless.

 So, when Qiao Lian broke the contract and the club asked them for 100,000 yuan, he couldn't get it out at all...

 At that time, he was still a newly graduated high school student. He never thought about putting all the pressure on himself and Mo Wuxin, so he once went online and looked for Qiao Lian in the game.

 His original goal was to hesitate whether to ask her for money.

But at that time, Qiao Lian suddenly asked him if he wanted to take back the 100,000 yuan she had given him privately when the club was about to be established.

Her reason is very good: Can you return the 100,000 yuan to me? Something happened at home.

 He didn’t think much about it and thought it was true…

Later, in order to give her one hundred thousand yuan and make more money to compensate the club for liquidated damages, he and Mo Wuxin took on the matter.

 Later, Mo Wuxin had a car accident and entered the hospital.

 But he arrived at the place agreed with her to meet her.

 After he entered, he heard her talking on the phone to a friend, ordering a bag worth 100,000 yuan.

 He was really mad at the time.

In order to prepare the money, he and Mo Wuxin paid a **** price.

 But what’s the result?

For her, this 100,000 yuan is just a matter of buying a bag!

When she asked him to get back the 100,000 yuan, was it just used to buy bags?

He was so angry that he turned around and left without saying a word.

 Later on, even until today…

Even though he and Qiao Lian had reconciled, even though he had overcome Mo Wuxin's inner demon, he still felt unhappy every time he thought about it.

However, at that moment, he finally understood.

 None of this is Qiao Lian's fault.

 From beginning to end, she never knew that the club was short of money.

From beginning to end, she never knew that Qiao Yiyi had accessed her account and asked for the one hundred thousand yuan...

 She didn't even know that the reason why he hated her so much had never been established.

 He misunderstood her.

 There was a misunderstanding for eight whole years.

Because of this, I almost missed her again.

 Until this moment, his heart was shocked.

 Shocked by the truth of what happened back then.


 Fortunately, Lu Nanze told this matter.

 Otherwise, I'm afraid he will never know that the Xiao Qiao he has been vaguely hating is not the woman in his arms at all.

 The last barrier between him and her disappeared completely.

Thinking of this, Shen Liangchuan couldn't help but lower his head and look at the woman lying next to him.

 In the darkness, she fell asleep quietly, and even her breathing was so small.

Like a kitten, it calmed his heart.

 He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched Qiao Lian's waist.

He leaned his head towards her and kissed her gently on the face.

 Xiao Qiao, thank you for still being willing to come to me.

PS: The update is finished, it’s a new month~ Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~! It’s the end. If there is anything else you want to see about Xiao Qiao and Zichuan, or if you have any regrets, you can leave a message~

 (End of this chapter)

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