Epilogue of Chapter 1271 (14)

 His teammates, however, are now engaged in fierce competition at the competition site and don't even care about him...

She suddenly understood that King might have chosen such an opportunity to come here to see the bamboo pole.

 The prince has a certain amount of power in Suzhou. Moreover, the prince and Zhugan have been working together for so many years. In fact, they have the best relationship. If the prince is here, he will definitely be able to save Zhugan.

Before King wanted the prince to react, the trial of Zhugan being banned from the competition had come down, leaving them at a loss.

Qiao Lian narrowed her eyes and stared at the person in front of her.

She wanted to rush up and tell everyone that Bamboo Rod had no intention of beating the king, but her words at this moment were completely powerless.

 Because King has already found someone to find the video here immediately.

In the video, you can’t hear what a few people are saying, but you can see that Zhugan suddenly became very excited, pointing at King and taking a step forward. From any angle, it really looked like he was about to take action.

The staff immediately judged that the bamboo poles were indeed about to fight, and reported the bamboo pole incident.

 This match of the Prince's team has been very anxious. It has been an hour and it is not over yet.

Until the end, when the opponent made a small positioning error and was caught, the PC team defeated the opponent and destroyed their team, taking the opportunity to blow up their nest.

While they were cheering, the prince was notified by the top management of the e-sports competition.

  Bamboo pole was suspended for one season.

 Their team instantly looked like eggplants beaten by frost, with their heads hanging down one by one.

 The prince was even more angry and found the king and wanted to argue with him.

  King did not dare to have direct contact with the prince and just smiled and said nothing.

 During the game, players are strictly prohibited from fighting, regardless of the reason.

 So, the prince was speechless when faced with such a king.

 Next, the SX team, under the leadership of king, won another game.

King is indeed the former number one player in the world. Originally, the SX team was a new team and the cooperation between the members was not very good. However, under the leadership of King, they are simply invincible!

The operation of the King is also very smooth. It can be said that it is as good as the Prince 55.

 There is no doubt that King won the best of the game.

 According to convention, after every game, the best player in the game must be interviewed by reporters.

 But this time it was the best of the match, Qiao Lian said she didn’t want to hear it.

She followed the CQ team members and walked out. Unfortunately, as soon as they stood up, they were surrounded by fans.

 So I couldn’t go out for a while.

 At this moment, the host on the stage began to interview the king.

The host asked: "King once won the best of the match in an international competition. I wonder if there is any difference between the interviews at that time and the interviews now?"

King smiled very shyly. Because of his good looks, his smile seemed very natural and heart-warming. He spoke in H language, and the translator explained: "King said that he was very happy. It's the same. ”

The host smiled and said, "Well, king, before the competition, did you ever think that you would win?"

The king said something again. This time, the translator was stunned.

 The host looked at the translator, and the king also looked at the translator with a smile.

PS: The third update is over, see you in the evening! The king is seeking death~

 (End of this chapter)

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