Chapter 1284 Ending (27)

 Under his influence, everyone became calmer.

Although the other three people can't keep up with the operation, they are the most obedient people at this moment.

 Shen Liangchuan was the one who directed while fighting.

Even though this game was difficult, we still won the final victory.

 When the victory sign appeared on the screen, the entire Internet cafe burst into flames.

 Everyone stared at Shen Liangchuan excitedly and cheered.

  Because there was a person who was broadcasting live. Although they didn’t understand what was going on here, the fact that the five of them won country H still went viral on the Internet!

  【Who said China eSports is weak? A strong slap in the face! 】

The post quickly became a hot search topic.

 But soon, the opponent’s counterattack also followed:

—The king of China, he won our diamond, what is there to be proud of? If you have the ability, see you in the national competition! Let you experience the power of the King!

ˆ˜Qiao Lian:…!

 This king is simply shameless!

   I am even flattering myself here.

 Qiao Lian shook her head and wanted to say that the pad that posted the message was King himself, but she knew that no one would believe her words.

 Had no choice but to shake his head and ignore those words.

At this moment, the Internet cafe was also surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

Song Cheng rushed in with security guards and separated Shen Liangchuan from the surrounding students.

Shen Liangchuan protected Qiao Lian and was about to walk out when he suddenly stopped, looked back at the people in the Internet cafe, and then suddenly smiled, "What happened today is a secret for all of us, right? "

With one sentence, everyone was stunned for a moment, and in the next second, someone reacted, "actor Shen, don't worry! I will never tell anyone about what happened today!"

 “Yes, we will not forget Gaiden!”

Shen Liangchuan nodded, "Thank you."

 Then without saying a word, he took Qiao Lian and left the Internet cafe.

 Wait until he leaves.

 The people in the Internet cafe fell silent for a moment.

After a while, a boy finally said: "In the past, my girlfriend liked him, but I wasn't convinced and thought he was just a pretty boy. But today...I suddenly fell in love with him. What should I do? I also like him." "

“It’s no use liking him, Actor Shen won’t be filming anymore!”

Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan could not hear the sighs from the crowd.

 They left the Internet cafe, got into the nanny's car, and walked to the hotel.

Along the way, Qiao Lian remained silent.

 At the hotel, Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan entered the room.

 After Shen Liangchuan took a bath, he walked out and saw Qiao Lian with his head lowered and looking depressed.

Shen Liangchuan took a step forward: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Lian sighed, "The people from Team H are obviously not vegetarians. We were able to defeat them today entirely because they didn't know who their opponents were. They were right. They were indeed not serious. They were playing games, and by the time they reacted, they had already been beaten by us, but you can also see that even if they were beaten by us, their resilience was very strong. "

Shen Liangchuan frowned when he heard this, "Then?"

“Then, they will definitely be very serious when it comes to the competition. By then, I don’t know if I can beat them.”

Shen Liangchuan frowned, "So?"

  Qiao Lian stared at him for a while, then suddenly said, "So, I need you, Zichuan."

PS: It’s time to finish the main text. If you don’t pay attention, there are too many words written about the game. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, just ignore it~~I’ve been a little obsessed recently, and I can’t hold it in when I write about the game~~You guys Say, does Zichuan want to compete with Xiao Qiao?

 (End of this chapter)

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