Chapter 1287 Ending (30)

Shen Liangchuan stopped.

Qiao Lian listened, then followed the sound and walked forward.

I walked to a place in front and suddenly saw a man lying in a pool of blood. He was exhaling more and taking in less air. He was obviously about to die!

Qiao Lian was shocked!

 The whole person took a step back.

The lights in the underground parking lot were relatively dim, so she could not clearly see the other person's appearance. She could only vaguely see that he was a man in his thirties or forties, wearing rags and rags, and his clothes were stained with blood.

 Qiao Lian patted her frightened chest, and then quickly picked up her mobile phone, "Hurry up and call an ambulance. If you don't call, this person will die!"

 After saying this, she picked up the phone.

 But just as he picked it up, someone suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Qiao Lian turned around suddenly and was slightly startled, "What's wrong?"

I saw Shen Liangchuan staring at the man lying in a pool of blood, his pupils narrowed with a chilling chill, "Don't meddle in other people's business."

Then he dragged her and walked towards his car.

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Qiao Lian didn't understand why Shen Liangchuan suddenly became so cold-blooded and ruthless.

 But he has always been the most loyal, and there must be a reason for him to do this now.

 But... that man is almost dying now. If he delays for another ten minutes, he may not be able to survive!

 Do we really have to turn a blind eye to such a living life?

Qiao Lian wanted to say something, but opened her mouth, but did not speak, because she found that Shen Liangchuan's expression at this moment was extremely expressionless.

 Qiao Lian paused, and then silently followed Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan immediately started the car, and the car led her directly out of the parking lot.

There was a cold indifference on the man's face, which made Qiao Lian afraid to breathe.

 But the car, after leaving the parking lot, suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

 Qiao Lian was slightly stunned when she heard Shen Liangchuan say: "After so many years, I didn't expect that he would be released from prison."

Qiao Lian was stunned again, "Do you know him?"

Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes and nodded. He was silent for a long time, and then he said, "Back then, he was the one who crashed into me while driving drunk. Mo Wuxin was hit and killed trying to save me."

  Qiao Lian was stunned when she heard this.

 Suddenly, she suddenly realized why Shen Liangchuan was so cold just now.

 How could a man who knocked his brother to death call an ambulance?

Qiao Lian bit her lip, not daring to say another word.

She was silent for a long time before she heard Shen Liangchuan say again: "But he has a four-year-old daughter."

 Qiao Lian was stunned for a moment.

 Look at him again.

Shen Liangchuan slowly said, "I was four years old back then, and I should be 13 years old now."

  Qiao Lian stopped talking.

Shen Liangchuan was silent for a moment, but finally picked up his cell phone and dialed 120.

 Half an hour later, the man was sent to the hospital. Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan followed him there and paid the medical bills.

 Two hours later, the patient finally woke up with his life hanging by a thread.

His thirteen-year-old daughter was crying as if she could not breathe.

Shen Liangchuan glanced outside, with a complex look on his indifferent face. When he was about to leave, the man suddenly stopped him, "Shen, Best Actor Shen, I was instigated by others in everything that happened back then. of! "

 PS: See you in the evening~~

 (End of this chapter)

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