Chapter 1289 Ending (32)

 The national e-sports competition will soon usher in the finals.

  SX team defeated PC team and got a spot in the finals.

 When the finals started, the entire competition venue was packed, and some people even stood directly in the aisle or at the back.

 The atmosphere at the scene was intense and passionate.

When Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan, wearing CQ team uniforms, walked out from behind the scenes, everyone below was shocked!

"I'll go, look who this is? Why does he look so familiar?"

 “I must have seen it wrong, I came to a fake e-sports venue!”

“Is this an eSports event or a press conference?”

 “Is Actor Shen here?”

  "A movie star? Come to play professional games? Am I dazzled?"

 “Oh my god! Are you here to fight in the entertainment bureau?”

“Ah ah ah, Actor Shen is so handsome! So handsome, so handsome, so handsome!”

 Two discordant voices broke out instantly at the scene.

The members of the two teams met below and waited for the host to announce the start of the game before taking the stage to explain one by one.

This was the first time King played against the CQ team, so after seeing Qiao Lian, he first extended his hand and said, "Hello, Miss Qiao."

 Qiao Lian frowned, and while she was struggling, she saw Shen Liangchuan take a step forward.

 Instead of Qiao Lian, he shook hands with the king and said, "Hello."

ˆ King:…

  King looked at Shen Liangchuan, and then showed a surprised expression, "Shen?"

He spoke a string of Korean words quickly, and the translator beside him immediately said: "Mr. Shen? Why are you here? Are you invited by their team to cheer?"

 After saying this, the members of the SX team burst into laughter.

King couldn’t help but ridicule again, “It’s a joke that a movie star doesn’t act properly and instead comes to play e-sports.”

“Besides, this is a national competition, Best Actor Shen, can you really do it?”

“It’s still too late to step down now...Don’t lose too ugly and cry, I’m afraid of being doxxed by your fans...”

Facing his cynicism, Shen Liangchuan didn't say a word. He just turned around and looked at each other with Qiao Lian.

 At the same time, there are also voices of doubt on the Internet.

Everyone expressed their disbelief at CQ’s move.

 “Why does Actor Shen play? Why should he play in such an important game!”

“Do you want us to stop scolding them for the sake of Actor Shen after we lose?”

“This is a serious competition site, and the CQ team doesn’t take e-sports seriously at all!”

 “Yes, this is a sport, it is sacred, it is not for entertainment!”

At the same time, some fans of Actor Shen came out and said, "Ah, my male idol is here to compete! Why does he look so handsome? But is this male idol really good?"

“Today’s game is about the national honor! Is it really okay to be so willful?”

 In the midst of such questioning voices.

The host began to introduce the starting lineups of both sides.

When introduced to Qiao Lian, Qiao Lian's name is CQ, Xiao Qiao.

The host said: "Everyone must be familiar with the name Xiao Qiao. She is one of the only two female players in e-sports competitions. Moreover, she has led the CQ team to where it is today. Let's introduce it below. A player, CQ, Zichuan!”

 (End of this chapter)

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