Chapter 1292 Ending (35)

 “Holy shit! What’s going on?!”

Things happened so fast, just in the blink of an eye.

His uncle jumped up and suddenly turned his head to look at his second uncle.

 The corpse chief also raised his head and looked over in disbelief.

 Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan both stared at the past in surprise.

Yu Ji is too strong. Basically, whoever gets it has an 80% winning rate.

 They are in the first choice lineup and were originally very dominant, but now...

His second master raised his head in panic, looked at the people around him, and swallowed, "I, I accidentally pressed the wrong button..."

 Accidentally pressed the wrong button...

This excuse made Qiao Lian's eyes shrink.

 However, this is already the case, and it is simply impossible to take it back.

Su Penghao scolded him directly: "Whenever your hands are shaking, you have to choose such a critical moment. Second Master, can you have some brains! I should have known that the White Bone Ancestor was here!"

His second master shrank his shoulders, lowered his head, and said nothing.

His uncle wanted to curse a few more times, but Shen Liangchuan said calmly, "Okay, let's think about how we will get the lineup next."

The role that his second master has targeted is a useless role. He has basically never been in a game. He can only be regarded as a minor support, and it is still the worst support.

 If this is the first choice, their lineup will definitely have problems.

Shen Liangchuan frowned and spoke after a while: "Well, let's adjust..."

 Final lineup determined.

Su Penghao was a little impetuous: "How can we win with this **** lineup? This support is useless! Our game is completely four-on-five!"

His irritable temper infected his uncle.

They are brothers after all, and his uncle spoke without mercy, "Boy, are you out of your mind today? You can't be confused at any time. You have to be confused today! If we lose this game, it will be your fault!"

His second master lowered his head, his eyes were red, he pressed the mouse and keyboard tightly with both hands, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm's all my fault..."

Looking at this, Qiao Lian felt a little nervous.

The SX team was originally a tough team, but now that they have such a lineup, they will be even more difficult to beat in this game!

Just when everyone couldn't calm down, Shen Liangchuan's faint voice flowed into their ears like clear spring water: "Okay, everyone plays seriously. In e-sports, there are infinite possibilities. Who says this auxiliary is not good? Since it was created, it has its own value. "

With one word, his second master suddenly raised his head and looked at Shen Liangchuan in disbelief.

Shen Liangchuan is like a reassurance for the team. Sitting there, people feel very peaceful.

Yeah, even though I got the wrong character, who said I would definitely lose?

As he was thinking about it, he heard Shen Liangchuan say: "Let's play freely in this round. We win two out of three rounds. If we lose one round, we still have a chance."

  The impetuous mood just now calmed down with his calm tone.

 Everyone calmed down, stopped talking, and competed seriously.

 Before entering the game interface, Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan looked at each other.

At that moment, listening to the familiar and exciting music, they seemed to have returned to eight years ago, to those wanton times.

  She suddenly opened her mouth and smiled at him.

  What she responded to was a faint smile from him.

 PS: The update is complete, see you tomorrow~

 (End of this chapter)

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