Chapter 1294 Ending (37)

 Because, this is his ideal, this is his team.

 It is reality on the one hand, and dream on the other. He is in pain and cannot play well at all...

He didn’t do the last wave of team battle on purpose. He just thought of Xiaomei’s tragic situation, so he got distracted and made a mistake...

But now, looking at everyone's angry eyes and looking at the disappointed looks of the people below, he suddenly felt that he was simply too hateful.

He bit his lip, stood up, and lowered his head, "Both the Bone Ancestor and Invincible are both here, let's change them."

 He doesn't deserve to be at this club.

 Because his heart towards e-sports is no longer pure.

 Qiao Lian stared at him and wanted to say something, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she heard Shen Liangchuan lower his voice and say: "You lose one game and you are so useless?"

The sarcastic words made his second master stunned and he raised his head.

Shen Liangchuan stared at the computer screen, "You made a big mistake in this round. If I give you another chance, do you dare to show your momentum as an assistant?"

 His eyes turned red, "Mr. Shen, you..."

“In the club, I am just the captain, not Mr. Shen.”

Shen Liangchuan stood up and said, "Go and take a quick break to prepare for the next game!"

 His second master clenched his fists, as if inspired by something, and nodded.

Teammates trust him so much, why is he so embarrassed to be so hesitant? !


 They, as a group, take a break to go to the bathroom.

 Five people walked backstage together.

 As soon as I walked backstage, I saw the king of the SX team leading his team, standing there, looking like he was waiting for them.

 Qiao Lian was slightly startled, turned to look at Shen Liangchuan, and saw that he frowned and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

King smiled, still smiling shyly, looking harmless.

 When his second master saw the king, his eyes suddenly shrank and his steps stopped.

The transactions between King and him were all private and not made public. He looked nervously at Shen Liangchuan, then at Qiao Lian, and finally his eyes fell on Su Penghao and his uncle.

Su Penghao and his uncle both have characters that cannot tolerate sand in their eyes.

If they knew the reason why he lost the first game, then they would definitely laugh at him, become alienated from him, and drift away.

 And now, I’m afraid that’s what King has in mind!

 He followed the team members nervously, hoping that the king wouldn't say anything.

As long as he is allowed to finish these two games, as long as he wins this game, after returning to the club, he will confess to them that whether it is life or death, he will listen to their discretion.

 This is not the time, this is not the time when they need to trust each other without any barriers...

His second master clenched his fists and followed the people in the team, walking forward step by step.

 When he finally walked up to the king, the king never spoke, and the second master breathed a sigh of relief silently.

 But just as they were passing by, the king suddenly said: "Hello."

 After speaking in blunt Chinese, he smiled and said, "Shen, can you say a few words?"

Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian paused.

 Soon, Shen Liangchuan turned around and said, "You and I don't seem to have anything to say."

 The translator came over, and King immediately became anxious. The corners of his lips curled up, and he suddenly stretched out his finger, pointed at his second master, and muttered a string of Korean words!

 (End of this chapter)

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