Chapter 1303 Wedding (1)

 Qiao Lian was holding Shen Liangchuan's arm and walking out. When she saw the king, she immediately stood still.

Her chin was slightly raised, staring at him in an arrogant manner.

 This is the pride that belongs to the victor.

King frowned, sneered, said a long string of words in H language, and then motioned for the translator to translate it for him.

The translator had a confused look on his face, and after a while he suddenly said something in H language. The king was stunned, became angry, and pointed at the translator as if he was cursing.

The translator sneered and threw the King's clothes on the ground, "I have long disliked you. It's disgusting to speak ill of our country and show off your power in the club on our territory. Extremely! I’m telling you, I don’t want this month’s salary! I’ll buy you a plane ticket and go back!”

Then turn around and leave.

  King stared at him blankly, not understanding what he said at all.

Qiao Lian was watching and couldn't help but laugh.

She remembered that every time the translator translated what he said, he had a constipated expression. At this moment, the translator must have finally exploded.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Shen Liangchuan, "Just be a good person and translate the sentence you just translated to him."

 Shen Liangchuan:…

Shen Liangchuan followed Qiao Lian's words and said those words to the king.

Then the king's face suddenly changed and became very ugly.

 He pointed at Shen Liangchuan and said another series of words.

 Qiao Lian was curious, "What did he say?"

Shen Liangchuan said calmly: "He said, don't think that you will be complacent after winning a game. There are many masters in H country. When the international competition comes, we will be tortured to death..."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

Qiao Lian looked at the king seriously, and then slowly said word by word: "We in China are not inferior to any other country. E-sports has been developing in your country for several years, but in our case, there is only room for development in the past few years. You Wait, sooner or later, we will stand on the podium on the international stage.”

 When Shen Liangchuan heard this, he nodded and translated it to the king.

King suddenly became angry, pointed at the two people, and strode out.

 Qiao Lian followed Shen Liangchuan and walked out together.

As she was walking, Qiao Lian suddenly stopped and looked up at Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan:? ?

 Qiao Lian adjusted Shen Liangchuan's sunglasses and stared at them for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's over! I didn't put on makeup today! Will standing with you make me look ugly?"

 Shen Liangchuan:…

“Ah ah ah, why do you want to confess today? It would be great if you told me earlier, so that I could prepare some clothes to change. Look at this team uniform, it doesn’t look good at all!”

 Shen Liangchuan:…

"Shen Liangchuan, tell me, did you do it on purpose! Just to use my ugliness to set off your beauty!"

 She anxiously picked up her phone and started looking for pictures online.

He is also wearing a team uniform, but Shen Liangchuan is tall, mighty and very handsome.

  Qiao like a high school student wearing a school uniform.

 In addition, her face was without makeup because she was pregnant, which made her look even more young.

Looking at it like this...

 “Wife…” Shen Liangchuan called her.


 “In my heart, you are the most beautiful.”

 “…Shen Liangchuan!”


 “What are you talking about?”

PS: I am writing about the wedding in the evening~~

 (End of this chapter)

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