Chapter 1308 Wedding (6)

Before the old man finished speaking, Shen Liangchuan stretched out his hand and said, "Grandpa, no need, I've thought about it clearly."

He pointed to the documents, "In my opinion, these things together are not as important as her. I have concluded this marriage."

The old man frowned, "What if I have to stop it?"

Shen Liangchuan frowned, "Then, I can only take off my position as CEO of the Shen family. Anyway, I still have Zihao at home..."

 Old man:…

The old man waved his hand, and Butler Cai stepped back with the documents.

The old man lowered his eyes, "I don't care about your marriage. But... I don't like her, so don't bring her to see me."

Shen Liangchuan directly picked up his coat and said, "Don't worry, I can't bear to let her suffer."

After saying this, he walked directly to the gate, took two steps, and suddenly turned back, "By the way, grandpa, since you don't like her, then we won't send you an invitation to our wedding. I think , and you don’t want to see my mother remarry.”

After saying these words, he left directly.

 Old man:…!

That wedding was indeed the wedding he least wanted to see.

 But Shen Liangchuan said he would not be invited, which made him suddenly feel uncomfortable.

The old man frowned and silently complained in his heart: Who cares about your wedding! -

 After walking out of the old man's place, Shen Liangchuan walked towards the camera studio.

On the way, I received a call from Qiao Lian, "Where are you? Why aren't you here?"

Shen Liangchuan's tone softened, "I'll be there soon."

 “Well, by the way, have you looked on the Internet?”

Shen Liangchuan: "What?"

"Hahaha, I don't know who it was, but they dug up a lot of dirty information about King and exposed it. It turns out that King left the H country team not because he retired, but because he violated the club's rules and was kicked out. This is when we came to develop in China. By the way, people discovered the last time we played games in an Internet cafe. They actually humanized that pad and said that they were the king! It’s simply shameless! Some people even say that King’s private life is chaotic and he has several girlfriends... Anyway, now King has become a street rat that everyone wants to beat up~"

Shen Liangchuan didn't care about the outcome of King's follow-up treatment, but after hearing her talk so gloatingly about his misfortune, he couldn't help but cooperate with her, "Well, what happens next?"

Qiao Lian: "Then, the SX team was forced to disband because of his notoriety. Now King can't survive in the country at all. I heard that he has run away in despair. But he is a star player. Even if he escapes abroad, now We are living in an information society, so we will definitely not be able to live well.”

Shen Liangchuan laughed: "Are you done?"

"That's it." Qiao Lian continued to ask: "By the way, Shen Liangchuan, is our wedding going to be Chinese or Western? You have been so mysterious lately. What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Shen Liangchuan couldn't help but rub his temples.

 He stared ahead, watching the nanny car driving on the road, and raised his lips.

 He spoke: "I..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Liangchuan's eyes narrowed because he saw a car suddenly appear in front of them and hit their nanny car hard!

PS: If I write about Shen Liangchuan being hit and killed, Qiao Lian attending someone's wedding, and it ending in tragedy, will you send me a razor blade? Hahaha~~~See you tomorrow~~We are really about to reach the end of the main text~Please give me a monthly pass~~

 (End of this chapter)

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