Chapter 1313 Wedding (11)

 After breakfast, she started putting on makeup. When everything was ready, Xia Nuannuan spoke, "Come on, come on! I saw the wedding car stopped downstairs."

 When everyone heard this, they stood up one after another and closed the door excitedly.

 Five minutes later, the door was knocked.

Before Qiao Lian could say anything, Shi Nianyao rushed over, "If you want me to open the door, bring me the red envelope first!"

As soon as these words came out, two big red envelopes were stuffed through the crack of the door.

Shi Nianyao raised his eyebrows, threw one to Xia Nuannuan, stuffed the other into his bag, and continued to stare at the door.

Shen Liangchuan said: "Xiao Qiao, open the door."

Qiao Lian stood up and was about to go over when Shi Nianyao continued to speak, "If you want us to open the door, then you first sing a song to Lian Lian to express your love!"



 Shen Liangchuan participated in the talent show and never sang.

 I don’t know his songs. How is his singing?

 A few people were thinking when they heard Shen Liangchuan ask: "What to sing?"

Shi Nianyao thought for a while, "Let's sing the song "You're Marrying Me Today"."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Qiao Lian paused and heard singing outside the door.

Shen Liangchuan's voice is very deep and pleasant, but it is a bit inappropriate to sing this song.

 So he lowered his voice two tones.

After finishing the song, Xia Nuannuan and Shi Nianyao were laughing so hard that they couldn't stand up straight.

Shi Nianyao said: "I didn't expect that even the best actor is not good at something, hahaha..."

 The people outside were quite natural: “Can you open the door?”

Shi Nianyao dragged his chin, "Let me think about it, what else do I want..."

After finishing speaking, I heard Shen Liangchuan say: "I'll give you Mo Xicheng. Can you open the door?"

Shi Nianyao:…

 This sentence is simply poisonous.

 She immediately gave up her struggle and opened the door, "actor Shen, please come in!"


 Qiao Lian couldn't help but pointed at Shi Nianyao and said, "Nianyao, you are so oblivious! There is no humanity in people of the opposite sex! Now you have surrendered!"

 Shi Nianyao looked at Mo Xicheng, who was standing behind Shen Liangchuan, wearing a black suit with a flower on his chest with the best man's logo written on it, and his cheeks immediately turned red.

 She first stuck out her tongue at Mo Xicheng, and then turned back to look at Qiao Lian, "Lianlian, this is not the first day you have met me!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

As soon as Shen Liangchuan entered the door, he saw Qiao Lian standing there bright and kind, staring at him with a smile.

 His eyes suddenly lit up.

 He took two quick steps and came to Qiao Lian's side.

Just when he was about to hug her up, he heard Xia Nuannuan say: "Brother, you need to find shoes!"

Shen Liangchuan was slightly startled, "Why are you looking for shoes?"

Xia Nuannuan explained with a smile, "Lianlian is not wearing shoes now. You have to find the pair of high heels we hid before you can take her away."

 Shen Liangchuan:…

Shen Liangchuan looked at the entire hotel.

 Then he walked to the cabinet next to him, opened it, and started rummaging around.

 After searching for it, I found one in the gap between the two sofas.

But, is there another one?

 He looked around in confusion.

Behind him, Shen Zihao was booing, "Oh, brother, is your marriage career about to be ruined by a shoe? Hahaha, this auspicious time has come, and you can't even find a shoe." "

Shen Liangchuan frowned, looked at Qiao Lian, and said helplessly: "Give me a hint."

 (End of this chapter)

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