Chapter 1316 Wedding (14)

A fight?

At their wedding, Lu Nanze and Shen Liangchuan had a quarrel?

Qiao Lian's heart suddenly became excited. Could it be that Lu Nanze felt unwilling to do it again, so he caused trouble at the wedding?

With this thought in mind, she stood up, picked up the wedding dress, and walked out.

When he arrived at the door, he saw Shen Liangchuan and Lu Nanze arguing in a low voice in front of them.

 Fortunately, the wedding hadn't started yet. Qiao Lian looked at the people around her and walked over quickly with her head lowered.

As soon as I walked over, I heard the voices of two people:

 “I can’t ask for this money.” It was Shen Liangchuan’s voice.

Lu Nanze: "This is not for you, but for her."

“She is my wife. If I say I can’t have her, I can’t have her.”

 Lu Nanze: "This is the dowry I gave her, why do you make the decision?"

Shen Liangchuan sneered: "In what capacity did Mr. Lu prepare the dowry for her?"

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes.

At this time, Qiao Lian finally understood what was going on. She coughed and squeezed into the crowd.

 Soon, she said, "What's going on?"

Lu Nanze lowered his head and said slowly: "I prepared a dowry for you, but Mr. Shen refused to accept it. This is funny. I have never heard that the husband's family is not allowed to prepare a dowry for the mother's family."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Qiao Lian tugged at Shen Liangchuan and said, "Just accept this little money. He's not short of money anyway."

 She knows Lu Nanze’s character.

 When you are stubborn, you are simply not a person.

 If they don't accept it, today's wedding may really be messed up.

 Qiao Lian was thinking when she saw Shen Liangchuan frown, and then slowly said after a while: "It's not a little money."

 Not a little bit?

 How much is that?


 Let alone millions, even tens of millions are nothing to people like them. Why is Shen Liangchuan so rude today? Collecting it neatly is better than anything else.

Just as Qiao Lian was about to speak, Shen Liangchuan handed the thing in his hand to her.

Qiao Lian glanced down and was immediately startled.

 Because, it is not millions or tens of millions, but a share transfer agreement!

It says on it that Lu Nanze will transfer 10% of the Lu family's business to her as a dowry!

 Ten percent!

Lu's companies now have billions of capital from listing!

  In other words, this ten percent is several hundred million!

 This gift is really a bit big.

Qiao Lian frowned and turned to look at Lu Nanze, "Second brother, what do you mean?"

Lu Nanze stared at her and said slowly, "This is considered compensation from the Lu family to your Qiao family."

Hearing this, Qiao Lian lowered his head.

The Lu family feels sorry for the Qiao family. This is an indisputable fact.

 But this share...

She now finally understood why Shen Liangchuan didn't answer the call.

As long as she accepts it, she and Lu Nanze will have an inseparable interest relationship from now on. They are both shareholders of the Lu family enterprise. Lu Nanze has countless reasons to come to her and get involved in their lives.

  But tell the truth.

 This money is what they owe her.

 The Qiao family's business back then was indeed worth several hundred million.

 So these shares are really not excessive... So, should she accept the compensation from the Lu family?

 After accepting it, she could no longer be separated from Lu Nanze. She would rather Lu Nanze gave her a check.

 In an instant, this became a dilemma.

 (End of this chapter)

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