After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1330: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (6)

Chapter 1330 Nian Yao and Mo Xicheng (6)

Shi Nianyao thought to himself: You just know it~

 But I can only think about these words and dare not say them out.

She could only smile and say, "Auntie, don't think too much, you are the mother, this is what you should do..."

Hearing this, Yao Lili nodded, "Yes, I am his mother... Even if I treat him badly, I am still his mother... Nian Yao, do you know? When I was a child, once, Mo Xicheng took the exam , he did a little better than Mo Zhi in the exam. After he came back, I took a broom and beat him up... I told him a long time ago that he couldn't do better than Mo Zhi in the exam... because we owe this to the Mo family. …”

"It's me, the mother, who didn't do well. It's me, the mother, who loves his father deeply with low-level love and doesn't want to leave. It's me who shamelessly stays in this house...that makes the relationship between his father and Li Shu , the relationship is so bad... I already owe their family a debt, and I can't let Mo Xicheng steal Mo Zhi's limelight anymore..."

"So I beat him hard at that time. I was also afraid... You know what? At that time, Mo Xicheng was just a teenager and was in a rebellious period. If he didn't listen to me, he would be worse than Mo Zhi. He's so good, I'm worried whether Li Shu will deal with him...I'm doing this all for his own good..."

“But this child didn’t appreciate it and actually ran away from home.”

"You know what? The moment he left, I felt like my whole life was hollowed out. I didn't know where to find him, so I could only cry alone at home."

"At that time, I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something wrong, if I shouldn't stay in this home, if I shouldn't restrict him... But I don't regret it! If I hadn't done this, if If I left the Mo family, it would be impossible for him to have such excellent learning opportunities since he was a child, nor to grow up in such a good environment, so that he can grow up to be a talented person now. "

When Yao Lili said this, her eyes immediately turned red.

 She lowered her head, wiped her eye circles, and then looked at Shi Nianyao.

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but take a tissue and handed it to him, "Auntie, wipe it..."

Yao Lili took it and wiped her tears before she raised her head, then suddenly stretched out her hand and took Shi Nianyao's hand, "My child, I know you are a good child... you will definitely understand me. Good intentions, right?”

Shi Nianyao:…

She really didn’t want to understand, but at this moment, would it be useful to say she didn’t understand?

 She raised her head blankly and looked at Mo Xicheng.

Seeing Mo Xicheng frowning, he couldn't help but said, "Mom, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Yao Lili immediately raised her head and looked at them with red eyes, "Don't you understand what I mean?"

“Nian Yao’s child’s status is too high. If you two get married, even if Mo Xicheng has no intention of going to the Mo family to fight for the Mo family’s property, others will still care about him!”

"Besides...I can't accept it. I stole someone else's husband, and my son stole someone else's wife..."


Yao Lili suddenly stood up and knelt in front of Shi Nianyao.

“Nian Yao, I’m begging you, please don’t be with Mo Xicheng. Go and marry Mo Zhi, okay?”

 (End of this chapter)

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