After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1342: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (18)

Chapter 1342: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (18)

 Two minutes later, the leader arrived belatedly.

As soon as he came in, he saw Mo Xicheng wearing a mask, and he immediately became anxious, "Why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming to ascend the throne? I will arrange a green channel for you. What should we do if you... cause chaos in our Civil Affairs Bureau?" "

Mo Xicheng smiled, "I just wanted to get a certificate in a low-key manner. I didn't expect your comrades to be so uncooperative."

 The leader looked at the staff: "What nonsense! What a nonsense!"

The staff member was stunned. She didn't expect that this person actually called the leader over. She immediately said: "Boss, isn't this a special case? Look at this room. It's already small. It's a waste of time to close and open the door back and forth. , Besides...who does he think he is, taking a photo with the door open, what's wrong?"

 One sentence made the leader laugh angrily: "Who do you think he is? Just taking a picture with the door open can cause a lot of problems! You might even make headlines!"

 At this point, ask him, "Move the stool, close the door, and let him take off his sunglasses and mask to show you!"

The leader spoke, and the staff could not disobey, so they could only move away, close the door, and then stared at Mo Xicheng, "I want to see who is so powerful..."

After finishing speaking, I saw Mo Xicheng taking off his sunglasses and mask.

She was immediately stunned and her eyes widened.

  After looking at it for a long time, he said uncertainly, "Mo, Goddess Mo?!"

 “Ah, I really like your TV series, you...”

At this point, she suddenly realized what the problem was, and she quickly lowered her head, "Um, I, I didn't know it was you... I'm sorry just now!"

 It doesn’t mean that their Civil Affairs Bureau only looks at people and does things.

 But everyone understands that star effect, in order not to cause blockage and cause trouble to the Civil Affairs Bureau, so they also have a green channel.

When Mo Xicheng saw the staff lowering their heads, he did not hesitate. He just said calmly: "Comrade, can you take pictures for us now?"

The man nodded immediately.


After taking the photo, Shi Nianyao took the photo, then raised his head and looked at Mo Xicheng who put on his sunglasses and mask again.

 She never expected that someone as low-key as Mo Xicheng would actually have his own connections.

Perhaps sensing her surprise, Mo Xicheng said, "Actually, the Mo family treats me well. The aristocratic school I went to with Mo Zhi since I was a child has many classmates, all of whom are powerful figures in the circle."

Shi Nianyao stared at him, speechless secretly, feeling as if he was getting to know him again.

 Looking at the attitude of a leader of the Civil Affairs Bureau towards him, she could tell that Mo Xicheng was very popular in school.

 It’s not that he really doesn’t have the ability to compete with Mo Zhi, he just doesn’t want to.

 Because of the leadership's intervention, they quickly arranged a green channel.

 So ten minutes later, Shi Nianyao and Mo Xichen received their marriage certificate.

Looking at the red cover, Shi Nianyao felt that everything went smoothly.

She just married Mo Xicheng?

She stared at the marriage certificate carefully for a long time, then studied the front and back, and finally said: "It's true, not fake..."

 Mo Xicheng:…

Mo Xicheng stared at her and suddenly said: "Nian Yao, can you...not go home tonight?"

PS: Haha, the male **** wants to eat meat~~ So, can you not go home at night?

 (End of this chapter)

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