After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1355: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (32)

Chapter 1355 Nian Yao and Mo Xicheng (32)

 One sentence, and the scene was completely silent!

 Everyone stared at her.

Shi Nianyao continued: "An actor's basic quality is acting. What's the use of you arguing here about who is more popular and who is the supporter of the box office?! The movie is about to start. Let's first see who it is. Let’s talk about the soul of this movie!”

“After watching this movie, you can argue about who is the box office supporter of this movie!”

 After saying these domineering words, she sat down.

 The short-haired girl next to her raised her head and glanced at her with bright eyes.

Fans of Chen Junjie were already stunned by Shi Nianyao. When he came to his senses, he wanted to argue, but was grabbed by the girl next to him. At this moment, all the lights in the cinema were suddenly turned off, and the movie title The song has begun!

 All the people are competing and staring at the big screen, trying to prove who is more attractive.

 The opening theme ends.

 The movie starts.

 The first clip shows a man and a horse running on the road.

 The dust raised from the ground was sprinkled on the visitors.

 The camera slowly zooms in from a distance.

 Soon, he saw the person riding on the horse, it was Chen Junjie.

 He was wearing ancient clothes and riding a horse, looking extremely professional.

 The scene was suddenly filled with low voices.

The fan sitting in front of Shi Nianyao immediately looked back at her proudly, lowered his voice and sneered, "It's not my boyfriend who attracts attention at the beginning! And who said my boyfriend's acting skills are not good? There are so many nature!"

 After saying this, Shi Nianyao couldn't help but sneer.

When this scene was divided, Nian Yao, who performed it, was on the set. Chen Junjie can't ride a horse. The scenes of riding a horse were all shot on the car, and the long shot was simply a stand-in.

 But she didn't bother to correct anything.

 Let’s all continue watching the movie.

Chen Junjie rode his horse and galloped quickly on the path, and then rushed to the reception hall outside the city.

As soon as he arrived, he jumped off his horse.

 At this moment, several people were already standing in the reception room.

Seeing Chen Junjie coming, everyone said hello one after another. Chen Junjie smiled one by one, and then said: "No one is here yet?"

Everyone nodded.

Someone said: "Mengde has been away for several years, and I'm afraid I don't even know him anymore!"

“Alas, this man made us uneasy when he was here. Now that he is gone, to be honest, I still miss him a lot.”

"Yeah... we agreed to wait for him, but it's already three o'clock in the morning, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

 A few words to highlight the male protagonist.

While everyone was chatting, I suddenly heard someone exclaim, "Here we come!"

 Everyone looked over one after another.

I saw a man with a short body, riding on a group of red and strong horses, running wildly this way.

While running wildly, he picked up the riding crop and waved it in this direction.

 In a moment, you can see the difference between high and low!

 The image of celebrities in movie shots depends on the lens and the individual's own temperament. Although Chen Junjie has a bad personality, he is very photogenic. This is why he is so popular.

But the stuntman is different. The temperament of the stuntman is completely different from him. At the beginning of the movie, the horseback riding action looked cool and unrestrained. If you think about it carefully, you will feel that the action is very natural, but it does not involve the stars in front of the camera. It is unique. Temperament and feel!

 But at this moment!

The scene of Mo Xicheng riding a horse and running wildly was done by himself!

PS: I was delayed by something in the morning, see you in the evening~~

 (End of this chapter)

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