After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1372: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (49)

Chapter 1372: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (49)

Mo Xicheng could only frown and said, "Give her the phone."

Handed the mobile phone to Yao Lili, Mo Xicheng said: "Mom..."

Yao Lili immediately started crying, "Xicheng, I, my vision suddenly went dark today and I fainted. Do you think I will die?"

Yao Lili's voice sounded panicked, as if she was really frightened.

Listening to the other person's voice, Mo Xicheng really didn't know how he felt, but the other person was his mother, so he could only comfort him: "Mom, everything will be fine."

"Xicheng, I saw they were checking my body. I don't know if I can survive the day. I have a lot to say to you. Please listen to me before I go. I'm afraid I'm lying there On stage, I can’t wake up.”

Mo Xicheng: ..."Mom, where did you say that? You really will be fine."

“No, I’m afraid, Mo Xicheng, I’m only a son like you, you can’t ignore me like your father did!”

Mo Xicheng: "Should I call him now?"

Yao Lili said immediately: "No, no, don't trouble him... Li Shu will definitely be unhappy if you call him."

Mo Xicheng: "...Then what do you want?"

“Son, I am your mother, and I just want you to talk to me, can’t you?”

Mo Xicheng: "Okay, you say it, I'm listening..."


On the other side, Shi Nianyao got up early in the morning and dressed up beautifully.

 Then he waited for Mo Xicheng at home.

Mo Xicheng said he would pick her up, but she also knew about the Royal Hotel, so she told him not to pick her up.

Mo Xicheng did not reply to any messages after that.

 Looking at the time now, it’s already 10:30 in the morning, and you can get ready to go.

But just in case, she picked up her phone and called Mo Xicheng.

 But when I called, I found that the line was busy.

Shi Nianyao hung up the phone and thought to herself, since she knew the private room number anyway, why wait for Mo Xicheng to pick her up, she might as well go there herself.

She jumped downstairs.

 In the living room, Shi Xun was sitting on the sofa, and Little Cherry was doing homework seriously next to him.

 In the kitchen, Shi Xun’s wife Tian Tian is cooking, planning to make a nutritious lunch for Little Cherry.

Today is the weekend, so they are not at work.

Shi Nianyao greeted Shi Xun: "Brother, good morning!"

 Then walk out.

 But after taking two steps, he heard Shi Xun say: "Where are you going?"

Shi Nianyao: ..."Go to that, that..."

 “Don’t tell lies.”

Shi Nianyao opened his mouth and heard Shi Xun continue to speak: "If you said you were going to meet a friend, then I will call Mo Xicheng and ask him to come home. You can go see your friend."

Shi Nianyao:…!

Shi Nianyao turned to look at the kitchen and said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law, look at my brother! You don't care about him either~ The Yin family is a big girl, and he is still trying to stop her in every possible way. He is not afraid of marrying into the Yin family." stay home!"

 Tian Tian walked out of the kitchen after hearing this.

She was wearing an apron, and she looked extremely virtuous. She no longer had the rebelliousness and arrogance she had before.

 She just stared at Shi Xun, and then said, "Let her go."

Shi Xun's tone suddenly softened, "Little fox, you don't know that she is married to Mo Xi..."

“Why are you meddling in this matter between young lovers~ Besides, aren’t you afraid that our little ancestor will make trouble next time we go on a date?”

 (End of this chapter)

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