After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1377: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (54)

Chapter 1377 Nian Yao and Mo Xicheng (54)

Chapter 1381

 After Xiao Chen finished speaking, Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes.

He did not expect that Yao Lili was already so cautious in doing things.

 Inquiring about my itinerary, I want to ask if I have been with Nian Yao?

His eyes became colder, and he said to Xiao Chen, "I understand."

 Xiao Chen nodded, and then asked: "Brother Mo, how was your time at the Royal Hotel?"

Mo Xicheng frowned, "I wasn't there..."

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment and nodded, "Oh, what about you now?"

 “My mother is in the hospital, I’m here in the hospital.”

"What? Which hospital? I'll be there right away!" Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

Mo Xicheng's life assistant is responsible for daily matters. Logically speaking, he should always be with Mo Xicheng.

However, Mo Xicheng's situation is quite special. When he is not filming, he basically does not need a life assistant, so Xiao Chen has always been more comfortable.

At this moment, I heard that Yao Lili was sick and always came to the hospital to guard her. As a public figure, Mo Xicheng wanted to help Mo Xicheng do things that were inconvenient for him to do.

Mo Xicheng did not show any pretense and directly reported the name of the hospital.

Xiao Chen immediately said: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

Mo Xicheng was sitting in the corridor, waiting for Yao Lili's test results.

 Half an hour later, Xiao Chen hurried over: "Brother Mo, how are you doing?"

Mo Xicheng pointed to the instrument room, "Still doing inspections."

Xiao Chen nodded, and then said: "Brother Mo, you sit down and rest first, and I'll go see what you need."

Mo Xicheng nodded, and Xiao Chen walked out. Halfway there, he suddenly received a call.

Xiao Chen was slightly stunned and answered.

“Hello, this is the Royal Hotel. Today’s consumption record has been sent to your mobile phone via text message. Please check it.”

Xiao Chen said: "Okay, I understand."

  After hanging up the phone, he casually clicked on the text message.

There are minimum consumption requirements for private rooms in the Royal Hotel. Mo Xicheng did not go out to eat today, so the fee is now deducted according to the minimum requirements.

Xiao Chen lowered his head. He originally thought that a 2888 private room fee would be deducted, but he didn’t expect that the first text message on his phone turned out to be news of a deduction from the bank!

Xiao Chen was shocked. A private room cost 20,000 yuan? And with some decimal points?

This hotel is too deceptive!

 He hurriedly picked up his cell phone and called the Royal Hotel.

When the call was connected, Xiao Chen immediately spoke: "When did the minimum consumption of your hotel become 20,000?"

“Sir, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“I don’t understand, so why did you deduct more than 20,000 yuan from me?”

"Sir, the specific details have been sent to your text message. If you want to continue asking, I can help you count it. Today we have a plate of beef here. It is high-quality beef. The price is relatively expensive. It costs 3,800. What's more? There is one…”

Xiao Chen said directly: "Wait a minute, what did you say? What kind of premium beef? Well... we didn't order, right?"

“Sir, are you kidding me? Not only are the dishes being ordered in the private room, there is also a lady named Shi…”

 Xiao Chen:…! !

Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Mo Xicheng, "Brother Mo, have you ordered food at the Royal Hotel? Why is Miss Shi already there?"

 (End of this chapter)

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