After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1390: Miss Yao and Mo Xicheng (67)

Chapter 1390: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (67)

With one sentence, Mo Xicheng's last hope for Yao Lili was shattered deep in his heart.

He never imagined that someone could be so shameless.

 He stared at Yao Lili, feeling ashamed for the first time of being her son.

 How could he have such a mother?

 Everything is between him and Mo Zhi. What does it have to do with Shi Nianyao? Why involve an innocent Nian Yao?

 He narrowed his eyes and finally said, "Are you sure you don't know?"

Yao Lili was a little confused by the look in his eyes.

 She saw in Mo Xicheng's eyes that the last trace of friendship seemed to be destroyed.

She knew that Mo Xicheng might be completely disappointed with her from now on. She didn't know why, and her heart felt a little stinging.

 To be honest, I have raised him since he was a child, and even if I don’t like him at all, he is still a child I raised, so I still have some feelings for him.

At this moment, that feeling, the only involvement, the only "blood relationship" in Mo Xicheng's opinion, I am afraid that after tonight, it will be completely broken.

But it doesn't matter, as long as her son, as long as Mo Zhi can be with Shi Nianyao, then all this will be worth it!

 So, Yao Lili nodded again, "I don't know."

Mo Xicheng's gaze was as cold as arctic ice, and she felt a chill in her back.

 Then, Mo Xicheng looked at her again, turned around and left!

After leaving the ward, he knew that he had to find Shi Nianyao immediately, and the way to find Shi Nianyao was... to call for surveillance!

He rushed overnight to find the person in charge of the hospital, and then found a hacker master to locate the location through Mo Zhi's mobile phone.

 Finally, we were finally positioned on the road.

It seems that he has just left not far away and is driving to a hotel in the distance.

Fortunately, Mo Zhi didn't want to be with Shi Nianyao casually. Thinking of Shi Nianyao's identity, he knew that Shi Nianyao's attitude was the most important after sleeping, so he had to coax Shi Nianyao well. , so she took Shi Nianyao to the suburban hotel where she and Mo Xicheng had been!

When Mo Xicheng saw this situation, he ran downstairs without saying a word, drove his car, and ran straight to the suburbs!

 It is late at night, and there are not many vehicles on the road in BJ.

His car was speeding completely, ignoring all traffic lights and heading straight to the suburbs.

 He must rush over, he must save Nian Yao...

 He must be responsible for Nian Yao!

His eyes gradually became determined, and he stared ahead.

 Press the accelerator again, come on, come on...

The car was driving very fast on the road. He stared ahead and saw a traffic light intersection ahead. He frowned and paused for a moment. He saw the red light turned into green, so he didn't think of anything and went straight ahead. rush.

But at this moment, someone drove out. Perhaps he thought there were few people at this spot, so he didn't pay attention to the traffic lights and went straight to Mo Xicheng's car!

Mo Xicheng could only see a dazzling light coming towards him, and then he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the light, and then turned the steering wheel frantically to avoid the car.

The car was very slow, so even though it was dangerous to brake suddenly, it still stopped in the end.

 (End of this chapter)

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