After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1393: Remembering Yao and Mo Xicheng (70)

Chapter 1393: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (70)

Unfortunately, Nian Yao was wearing a pair of jeans today, and Mo Zhi was so panicked that it would take some time to unbuckle her belt.

While pulling, it might have hurt Shi Nianyao.

 She hummed and slowly opened her eyes.

 The vigilance made her try to wake herself up even in such a difficult situation.

 Then after seeing the person in front of him, he was slightly startled.

 The next second, she wanted to resist fiercely, but her body was so weak that she couldn't even use the strength to open her mouth and say a word.

 She tried hard to move, stretched out her legs, and wanted to kick Mo Zhi.

Mo Zhi couldn't unbutton her pants originally, and he was even more anxious at this moment.

He wanted to hold down Shi Nianyao's legs, but Shi Nianyao used all his strength to resist.

 Mo Zhi is not Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng knows how to keep fit, but Mo Zhi only gives his time to different women every night, so he is a bit weak at a young age.

While struggling like this, Shi Nianyao rolled to the ground.

 She gritted her teeth and stared at Mo Zhi, trying to wake herself up.

Mo Zhi was extremely anxious. The knocking at the door became louder and louder, and he was about to break in.

And the room, not to mention a mess, he still hasn't taken off Shi Nianyao's clothes until now!

Even if he opened the door and lied to others that he had succeeded, it would still be unjustifiable.

Mo Zhi was so anxious that he grabbed Shi Nianyao's hair and slapped her face hard in anger, "Bitch, be honest!"

This slap made Shi Nianyao, who was originally dizzy, become more awake. She shouted directly towards the door: "Help!"

This cry for help seemed to stimulate Mo Xicheng.

His pounding on the door became louder and louder. The door was swaying and about to open.

At this moment, the waiter finally rushed over and stopped him, "Sir, you can't go in here..."

Mo Xicheng was angry: "Someone is kidnapping a good woman inside, please open the door now!"

The waiter was stunned, "But we can't open the customer's door just because of your words..."

Mo Xicheng clenched his fists and snatched the card from the waiter's hand without saying a word.

 Place it directly on the card reader.


The door finally opens!

The waiter wanted to **** the card back, but Mo Xicheng threw the card to him without saying a word, pushed the door open and entered the room!

in the room. Mo Zhi was covering Shi Nianyao's mouth and nose tightly to prevent her from screaming again!

Shi Nianyao’s face was red because of suffocation, and his legs and feet were kicking, trying hard to break free.

 Her hair was all messed up and she looked very embarrassed.

Mo Xicheng couldn't bear it anymore when he saw her like this...

He was like a wild beast that had been completely enraged. He roared and charged forward!

He grabbed Mo Zhi by the collar and threw him to the ground beside him.

 Then he quickly hugged Shi Nianyao and said, "Yao Yao, how are you?"

Shi Nianyao's eyes were already red with fright, but looking at Mo Xicheng's appearance, her lips moved, and finally she said: "I, I'm fine..."

 She said it was okay, but her whole body was trembling slightly.

Even the five slap marks on his face were very obvious, making him look particularly embarrassed.

How come you look like nothing is wrong?

 (End of this chapter)

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