After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1395: Remembering Yao and Mo Xicheng (72)

Chapter 1395 Nian Yao and Mo Xicheng (72)

 For a time, the whole hotel was in chaos.

Mo Zhi was so beaten that he couldn't move at all, while Mo Xicheng fell on Shi Nianyao's shoulders.

 Shi Nianyao is no better than the two of them.

The waiter standing at the door was stunned when he saw the situation inside, until Shi Nianyao roared: "Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

 The waiter rushed out in a hurry.


 Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived.

Mo Zhi and Mo Xicheng were moved to the car, and then Shi Nianyao was helped into the hospital.

The drug in Shi Nianyao's body does not need to be treated. Drink more water and it will be excreted naturally.

 Mo Xicheng's injury was a bit serious.

 I was hit on the head and had a slight concussion. I needed to be hospitalized for observation for a few days.


  When Mo Xicheng woke up, it was already the early morning of the next day.

 The moment I opened my eyes, I still felt a little headache, my eyes were a little dizzy, and there was a shadow on the lamp on the roof.

He frowned and held his head. Just as he was about to sit up, he heard the anxious voice of Shi Nianyao next to him, "Don't move!"

Mo Xicheng made a move.

Turning his head, he saw Shi Nianyao rushing over and supporting him, "The doctor said you have a concussion. You must move more slowly when you get up."

Mo Xicheng was stunned and stared at her.

 After a night's rest, Shi Nianyao seemed to have returned to normal.

 The bruises on the face should have faded after applying ice. At this moment, only red marks can be vaguely seen.

Mo Xicheng held her hand and asked, "How are you?"

After waking up, the first thing he did was not to care about himself or how Mo Zhi was, but to care about her first. Shi Nianyao felt sweet in her heart, and she immediately said: "I'm fine."

Then he frowned and stared at him, "You had a car accident yesterday. It was so terrible. When you were sent to the hospital, the doctor said you were taking too many risks! How could you be so careless about your body?"

  She said with a little fear: "If your car accident yesterday was more serious... I really don't know what to do."

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he held her hand and said, "I'm fine."

Shi Nianyao nodded, then looked at the door, and then said: "My brother will come to the hospital in a while. Let me tell you, I told him on the phone that I was with you last night , we crashed into a car together, don’t let it slip later.”

 One sentence made Mo Xicheng slightly stunned.

He stared at Shi Nianyao, and suddenly understood why she did this.

Shi Nianyao does not need to help Mo Zhi because of reputation issues.

She was afraid that if their family didn't bypass the Mo family, she would be caught in the middle and be in a difficult situation.

Thinking of this, Mo Xicheng felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

 He looked at Shi Nianyao steadily and said nothing.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Shi Xun and Tian Tian walked in together.

Shi Nianyao immediately winked at Mo Xicheng, and then said with a smile: "Brother, why are you here so early?"

Tian Tian immediately said: "Is this still early? If I hadn't stopped him hard, he would have come last night! How could something happen to you so well?"

When Shi Nianyao heard this sentence, he immediately said: "It's just that I was not careful..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Mo Xicheng speak slowly, "This matter is not what Nian Yao said, it's Mo Zhi..."

 PS: See you in the evening~

 (End of this chapter)

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