After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1417: Remembering Yao and Mo Xicheng (94)

Chapter 1417: Reading Yao and Mo Xicheng (94)

 One sentence made Mo Hai startled. He stared at Li Shu in astonishment, "You, what did you say?"

 Did he hear wrongly?

He thought what Li Shu wanted to say was to ask Mo Hai to go to court, terminate any relationship with Mo Xicheng, and drive Yao Lili and Mo Xicheng out of the Mo family...

 But he never expected that this would be the case.

Li Shu just said something wrong, right?

Li Shu lowered his eyes and smiled, "Mo Hai, don't you know what Mo Zhi looks like now?"

 Not sure?

 How come it’s not clear!

 No one knows Mo Zhi’s personal abilities better than Mo Hai!

  When he was a child, every time he wanted to discipline Mo Zhi, Mo Zhi would always cry and cry to find his mother and file a complaint against her.

At that time, Mo Hai always felt sad, and was afraid that every time Li Shu came home, he would get angry after hearing these words, so he accommodated Mo Hai a lot.

Until a long time later, the teacher told him that Mo Zhi’s grades couldn’t keep up, Mo Zhi couldn’t make progress, and Mo Zhi didn’t want to study anymore…

 He then realized that he had delayed the child.

 But he was even more afraid of Li Shu's anger, so the lie continued like this day after day, year after year.

He has always felt that no matter how unsatisfactory Mo Zhi is, he is still his son. In the worst case, he will hire a few experts to manage the company for Mo Zhi, and Mo Zhi will just sit back and enjoy the success.

 He can also ask Mo Zhi to have a child quickly, and he can raise a grandson...

 So, it can be said that he has given up on Mo Zhi.

 However, even so, he never thought about choosing Mo Xicheng.

As soon as he finished these thoughts, Li Shu spoke, "Leave the company to Mo Xicheng and let Mo Zhi completely withdraw. From now on, when Mo Xicheng manages the company well, Mo Zhi will definitely not be left behind. But if you continue to hand over the company to Mo Zhi, Mo Zhi will always be suspicious of Mo Xicheng and do more extreme things, which will force Mo Xicheng to rebel even if he doesn't want to... Now, that's it. , hand the company over to Mo Xicheng.”

She slowly said this, then turned to look elsewhere, "As for Mo Zhi, I will let the Li family take care of him, at least to ensure that he has a carefree life... If he wants to learn anything now, he can It’s still too late, if you learn it well, you’ll be really capable, and you can get everything back...if you can’t learn it, it’s useless in his hands.”

After Li Shu said these words, his eyes were red.

She knew that these words of hers would deprive her biological son of his inheritance rights.

 After Mo Xicheng inherited the company, even if Mo Zhi was the first heir, he would still be living under Mo Xicheng in the future.

Mo Xicheng is kind and good...

 But Mo Zhi has bullied Mo Xicheng since he was a child. Even if Mo Xicheng is a saint, he will not really have no feelings for him.

 However, she really is, there is nothing she can do...

  Seeing with her own eyes the difference between Mo Xicheng and Mo Zhi, and finally realizing Mo Zhi's shortcomings and gaps through Shi Nianyao, she finally faced reality at this moment.

Only by letting Mo Xicheng inherit the family business and forcing Mo Zhi to withdraw can the final balance between Mo Xicheng and Mo Zhi be maintained.

Mo Hai stared at Li Shu and asked after a while, "Have you really decided?"

 To him, they are all his sons.

 All he cared about was Li Shu.

  PS: I came all the way to a beauty and had **** with her~~ She insisted on chatting and playing games with me, otherwise she would break up with me, so that’s all for today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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